The origins of Evil 4

The next day, Wises was peacefully walking around the city with no consequence, enjoying life... and seeking potential new victims, of course. At least, that would have been what he'd do if today wasn't the day for a interesting event to happen: this day, Feng Chang would come in person in London to give a conference. Murderer or not, that was certainly not something Wises wanted to miss, thus he gave the Sage gang the day off, and positionned himself near the place of the conference.

He sat at a cafe and commanded both a tea and a cocktail, ignoring the subtle glances of the waiter as he agitated both, looking at the ripples produced on the surface of the beverages. He first took a sip of tea, then a sip of his cocktail, and frowned slightly:

'Okay... only one at the time from now on' he decided.

He focused back on the ripples, and smiled with satisfaction: each time he saw them calm down and die, it reminded him that he was still there, while his victims were not. That feeling filled him with satiety.

He looked around, and saw that a crowd was starting to form. Realizing it was finally the long-awaited moment, he weaved his way through the crowd, until he could finally see their figure.

The person, relatively short, was wearing a turban with sunglasses, so as no part of their face remained exposed. Contrasting with that was an elegant suit, with a silk necktie.

'Hmm... well, he sure takes a lot of precaution so no one will see his face' Wises thought, amused.

He listened to the conference for a bit, as Feng Chang was plainly answering every question concerning the current Fefnir technology, and a few questions about those that would come too, though most of his answers concerning the future remained vague. He couldn't even know how Feng Chang's voice sounded, as his turban seemed to have a voice modifier integrated. After a moment, Wises decided that the conference was becoming boring, and was about to leave when a particular question was asked:

"Mister... Chang... Feng..." a woman started.

"You can call me Feng Chang"

"... Right. Mister Feng Chang, it is not to miniminze your genius in any way, but how come you invented such a thing as Fefnir technology in such a short period of time, what's the secret behind this accomplishment?" she asked. "When we look back at humanity's history, it wouldn't really be an understatement to say that your invention is amongst the greatest that were and will be, on the same level as writting, language, civilisation, internet, modern technology! Except that all these have been created over the course of several decades at least, centuries for most, and always based on previous discoveries. Yet, in just a few, you came up with this new technology, that defies every principle established before... how did you do such a thing, sir? What's the secret?"

There was a blank in the street, as no one yet had dared to ask this question, though most people craved to know. Everyone, including Wises, thought that Feng Chang would just brush the question off. Surprisingly, though, he answered the question as honestly as could've been demanded:

"Many years prior to now, what we decided to name a Nova beast appeared from nowhere, in a lost province of China" Feng Chang said. "You might think I'm inventing some kind of webnovel story but in fact, this information is already known to the governement of China, Japan, and most of the Nato's member, and will soon be announced to the public. Obviously, I got the permission early-on to divulge this information to the public"

People started to whisper to each other. Wises heard a few suprised exchanges, chuckles, and skeptical voices. He ignored them as he waited for Feng Chang to continue; which he did:

"Nova beasts are a new species, that's completely from everybody that came before. The matter their bodies are made of is entirely different from everything that was seen before, and analysis's long confirmed the presence of diverse debris coming from outside our solar system on it" he said. "Even if, logically, such an advanced creature has no way to be born without an atmosphere like ours. Of course, we can theorize its existence started far away, maybe even in another galaxy, maybe even farther. But then, another question arise: how did it get here?

The answer is simple, really: teleportation. Or rather, to be more precise, some kind of special way allowing it to naviguate through space differently from us, in some sort of 'transwalking'. It took us many tests to confirm this and, even if we couldn't confirm the other one, I firmly believe it's the truth"

"And what is this other theory, sir?" the same woman as before asked.

"A fourth spatial dimension. One similar as a spidernet hidden through the three we know, that this Nova beast used as a shortcut when it was alive, and that other Nova beast, if there's other, most likely use to naviguate through the galaxy and beyond as well. If this Fourth Dimension theory is too much for you to believe without solid proofs it's understandable. Just know that it has already been confirmed that the Nova beast's body we have exists in four dimensions. And this time, I did bring something that could serve as proof"

Upon saying that, Feng Chang took out a small rubix cube-looking object, and put it on the stand in front of her:

"This is a four-dimensionnal rubix cube made using Fefnir technology, inspired by the Nova beast's corpse" he said before asking to the crowd: "Does anyone here knows how to solve a rubix cube?"

Many people raised their hands. Wises, who had learned to solve a rubix cube in prison to kill the time, also raised his hand without according much thought to it. However, he quickly noticed that Feng Chang's eyes were on him, which for some reason made him feel really uncomfortable:

"Young man, may you come here and try solving the rubix cube?" she told him from afar.

For a second, Wises contemplated politely refusing and going away but after a bit, he concluded that it wouldn't hurt, and walked to the stand, precautionnously taking the rubix cube in his hands:

"Is there a particular method to solve this cube?" he asked.

"If there was, what would be special about it?" Feng Chang retorted.


Fair enough"

He started to try every way he knew to solve it, but to no avail. Then, he tried adapting them to the differences of the cube, and failed again, though he got a bit closer. Then, he just tried relying on his instinct, trying randomly, and utilising the methods he knew when he saw the configuration was similar, and finally managed to get a face with the same color, but it was his limit. ANd for some reason, his head was really starting to hurt.

Sighing, he gave back the cube to Feng Chang:

"Well, I guess I really can't solve this thing" he said, rubbing his forehead in pain. "So, really, if you gave it out to try and solve, then it must have a solution, right?"

"Indeed, it's not exactly a 'method' but it surely works" Feng Chang replied, before taking the cube back.

In a few second, he solved it as if he had done it all his life:

"Unlike a classic one, this rubix cube has no particular method allowing to solve it, thus the way to do it is simply to watch how it reacts depending on which angle you turn him, and then calculate all the following combinations, there's no other solution and it's never the same tye of combination even if you just try to put it back in its original state" he said. "Oh, and I forgot earlier, my apologizes. Trying to find methods that can solve this cube, that works in way we can't understand, will have some consequences"

Just as he said that, Saginus felt something fall on his lips, and wiped it off: it was blood.

"Some consequences, yes" Wises repeated before shamelessly asking: "Does I get a financial compensation for this?"

"A compensation? Well, I think I have an appropriate compensation, I think it will satisfy you" Feng Chang said before leaning in his ear.

As he did that, Wises could see the small spot of skin between his sunglasses and turban, and he would have been surprised if what he said next wasn't much more shocking:

"As a prize for completing a face and a compensation, I won't tell anyone about your little serial murders" he whispered in his ear before adding out loud: "Don't worry about the nose bleed, there won't be any consequence, and our staff will make sure you get treated and be offered a dinner at the restaurant of your choice with any plus-one of your choice"

Then, Feng Chang seemed to completely forget him, and went back to the conference as Wises was taken for a quick examination and treatment.



Later, as he was walking near the Thames river, Wises couldn't help but wonder:

'This Feng Chang... are they a woman?'

The portion of skin he saw was definitely too smooth to be that of an old man. However, Wises knew that asiatic women had a better chance at remaining young-looking, and thus having such smooth skin at who-knew-which-age was not out of talk.

So, was it that they were a woman... or just found a way to stay young-looking forever? It wouldn't be out of character to conceive some kind of technological fountain of youth, after all.

'Hehe, why not both? Maybe Feng Chang is actually one of these chinese manhua girls that stay young-looking at three-hundreds years old?'

He couldn't help but chuckle at this thought. However, his amusement quickly came to an end when he remembered what they had said last.

'How could they even know about the Sage gang? Did they just bluff? No, it wouldn't stick... but then, how?'

He wondered for a few more minutes, but eventually chose to drop the question, shrugging it off.

That was right, if Feng Chang kept their promise of not telling anyone, it didn't matter much that they knew even his favorite music, and if they didn't, then there wasn't much he could do. Thus, the only thing he could do was to make sure he did more, much faster.

The Sage gang had to expand.

Many more people had to have their dreams crushed by his bare hands.

Many more people had to die so his dream could feed on the ruins of theirs.

'I think so I am. They're gone, so they're not'

With each time he thought these words, his dream realized itself more, while their promptly disappeared.

'I think so my dreams approach reality. Theirs are broken so they fall into oblivion'

And yet, his dream would never fully come to reality, for the mere reason that it wasn't a dream meant to do so. But it was ok, it was better like this. Evil was just as good as it could when people could not say whether it was real or not, after all.

Saginus smirked as he started looking for his next victim.