Violet Jade Hairpin 

After she successfully underwent the Heavenly Tribulation, she was half-dead. 


There was not a place on her body that was fine. Broken tendons, broken ribs, damaged organs, and broken bones. Her skin was scorched, and her hair was burned. She was lying on a pool of blood weakly.


As the sky was clear, the Heavenly Rain of Blessing poured down on her. Her broken bones, scorched skin, damaged organs, and hairless head were healed instantly.


The earth was full of life, the warm breeze was fresh, and the land was full of nutrition because of the rain.


The Heavenly Rain of Blessing would befall those who successfully passed the Heavenly Tribulation. 


"Xue'er, drink this." Ma Wenye rushed over and carefully held her as if he was holding a fragile crystal doll. 


He fed her the Sacred Waterfall, which had a similar effect as the Fairy Crystal Water to ease her pain.