Chapter 37: Pieces of the life he once knew

Hardy's Pov

"What do you want to know?"

I asked her and moved closer to sit with her like there weren't thugs in masks dragging people away.

"Go on, ask"

She looked taken back like she wasn't expecting me to ask her that question.

Frankly, I am surprised at myself but everything about meeting her has been something of a miracle. Something out of a children's fairytale if you believe in that kind of stuff.

But seeing her eyes lighten up instantly almost made the uncomfortable questions she was going to ask worth it.

"For real, any question I ask you will answer?" She asked and moved closer to me. Her eyes were glittering more now than before.

I chuckled.

I should not give a genie free rein over a wishing well. "Let's not go nuts, Babe. I will answer one question truthfully"

"I hid your notepad before I was dragged away"

"You did?"