Chapter 54: Why did you do it?

Miracle's POV

I found a quiet spot to sit down…my legs were wobbly so standing was out of the question.

I feel like I've been punched in the gut, Hardy's words still echoed in my mind. 'You're no fun'

'You're weak'

'You're a pick me girl''

Each sentence is a sharp blade, slicing through my heart, leaving me bleeding and raw.

I can't breathe, can't think, can't escape the agony.

So, I sat down and I closed my eyes, I tried to remember who I was before everything bad happened…. before the kidnapping, before Dad chose to save my brother over me, before Stevie...even before Hardy.

I try to remember me before all these hurt and all these scars, before the insecurities and the harsh reality…before the world tainted me, before I became this caricature of myself and I did.

"There you are" I whispered.

I see her. She's not gone, just hidden.

She's there…I am there but crushed under the weight of my pain.