Chapter 62: don't tell the truth...Lie Bitsy

Miracle's Pov

I pulled away and moved as far away from Hardy as possible. My body shook a little bit.

I pulled away, feeling guilty and scared. I had invaded Hardy's memories. It was a violation of the highest order.

Good goddess! What is wrong with me?!

How did I make the conscious decision to go into his head without his permission and see his most intimate memories?!

I did that, me!

I watched him. He was still unconscious, still stuck in whatever nightmare memory he was reliving, alone and scared and I was helpless about it.

But then how am I sure that I am a real Greymoon not a crazed lunatic having a mental breakdown?!

Maybe I have gone cuckoo!

I mean it wouldn't be stretch…if anyone deserved the right to have a breakdown, it would be me, I was past overdue after Stevie and his mess.

"Fuck!" I whispered to myself.

This is so messed up!