
Abby sat on her couch, her fingers tapping rhythmically on her thigh. The phone lay on the coffee table in front of her, its screen illuminated by a soft blue glow. Every passing minute felt like an eternity as she anxiously awaited Remo's call.

Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, her mind running through countless scenarios of what he might say. The room was filled with a tense energy, and she found herself unable to focus on anything else.

Time seemed to stand still as she checked her phone repeatedly, hoping to see his name appear on the screen, signaling that he was finally ready to meet her.

She had run away from home, and she knew that soon they would come for her. They hadn't yet because her father was alive and couldn't risk anything.

She sighed, conflicted about involving Remo in this dangerous situation, but he was her only hope now.

There was no way she would let these people take everything away from her. Her father had worked day and night for his achievements, and she wasn't going to let these ungrateful people ruin it all.

Weak and lacking real power, she needed a man like Remo Quinn – heartless, cruel, and ruthless. He was her best shot at facing these shameless adversaries and securing their downfall once and for all.

She hoped he would accept her risky proposition, no matter how crazy it might sound. The stakes were high, but Abby was determined to fight for her family's legacy and protection.

Years had passed, and the bond between her and Bella had remained unbreakable, even though they were living miles apart. They shared their triumphs, heartaches, and the ordinary moments that kept their friendship alive.

One evening, as they caught up over a video call, Izabella couldn't help but gush about Remo, who had turned out to be more than just an arrogant figure. He had a depth that intrigued her, and their relationship had blossomed into something beautiful, full of love, challenges, and growth.

Listening to Izabelle's stories, she felt a mixture of happiness for her friend and a tinge of envy, secretly wishing she too could find someone as captivating as Remo.

But at then, she was content being the confidante, always there for Izabelle, no matter the distance.

Their friendship was a constant, a rock they could rely on, and as they continued sharing their lives, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the connection they had.

She had no idea what had happened but the letters stopped coming and she couldn't get hold of Bella.

It was like she had disappeared off the surface of the earth and when she had decided to go look for her friend, her death reached her ears.

Abby was devastated by the news of Izabelle's death. It felt like a piece of her heart had been torn away. She couldn't comprehend how someone so vibrant and full of life could be gone. Memories of their friendship flooded her mind, and she felt a deep sense of loss and regret for not having been there during Izabelle's final moments.

As she mourned her friend, Abby found herself reflecting on the bond they had shared. She remembered their late-night conversations, their laughter, and the countless secrets they had confided in each other. The pain of losing Izabelle was almost unbearable, and Abby struggled to come to terms with the sudden void in her life.

She wished she could have been there for Izabelle in her time of need, just as Izabelle had always been there for her.

Her phone screen lit up and her heart skipped a beat as she stared at the unfamiliar number.

Could it be….