
Abby sat in a cozy corner of the coffee shop, her fingers tracing the rim of the cup as she gazed out of the window. The gentle hum of conversation and the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped her, creating a sense of anticipation that mingled with a touch of nervousness.

She had arrived a bit early, as was her habit, her mind filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. Dappled sunlight filtered through the window, casting soft patterns on the table. Her red hair cascaded over her shoulders.

With each passing moment, her eyes darted to the entrance, her heart quickening whenever the tinkling of the bell signaled someone's arrival. Her lips curved into a faint smile whenever it wasn't him, but it was the glimmer in her eyes that betrayed the anticipation she held.

A notebook lay open before her, a pen poised to capture thoughts that flitted through her mind. She was always prepared, her thoughts organized in a neat array of sentences and sketches. Every once in a while, her gaze would wander to the notebook, but she couldn't help but return to scanning the faces that walked through the door.

Abby's fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, a subtle display of the nervous energy she was trying to contain. Her heart skipped a beat when the door opened, and she turned her head, her eyes locking onto a figure entering the coffee shop. But as the stranger walked past, her smile faltered, a fleeting disappointment overshadowing her features.

She returned her attention to the window, her gaze shifting between the passing pedestrians and the world beyond. With every glance, her heart held a mix of anticipation and uncertainty as she silently waited for the moment when the one she was anticipating would finally step through the door.

She occasionally picked up her phone, checking for messages or any signs of his impending arrival. Her fingers played with a pendant necklace, a thoughtful gesture that seemed to ground her amidst the fluttering of her emotions.

The gentle chime of the door caught her attention, and her heart skipped a beat. She looked up, her eyes locking onto a figure entering the coffee shop. A slow smile curved her lips as Remo stepped inside, his presence filling the room with a kind of energy that only he could bring.

As he made his way toward her, Abigail's fingers relaxed their grip on her cup. Her anticipation had transformed into a serene sense of contentment. She watched him approach, his eyes meeting hers and the world outside seemed to fade away as Remo reached the table

She didn't really didn't think that he would show up.

"Miss Falcone, I hope I didn't keep you waiting." He said as he took the empty seat across from her.

Despite Remo's cold and enigmatic demeanor, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he sat down, a stark contrast to Abigail's warmth. He exuded an air of mystery, a man of few words whose intentions were often hidden beneath layers of carefully calculated actions.

Abby, on the other hand, was a picture of elegance tinged with nervousness. Her stammer, though subtle, occasionally made an appearance as she struggled to find her words in Remo's presence. Her gaze held a mixture of curiosity and hesitation, her hazel eyes studying his features as if trying to unravel the secrets he held within.

Abby's fingers tightened around her cup, her nails creating a soft percussion against the porcelain. She offered him a shy smile, her lips curving with a touch of vulnerability that only added to her charm.

"Uh, no, not at all," she managed, her voice wavering slightly, a testament to her stammer. She cleared her throat, her fingers moving to adjust the pendant around her neck, a nervous habit she couldn't quite shake off. "I-I've just been here a little while. Thanks for coming."

Remo's lips curved into a half-smile, a subtle acknowledgment of her gratitude. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze steady on Abby as if studying her reactions. He had an uncanny ability to read people, to gauge their emotions and motivations, but Abby was an enigma to him in this moment.

"Well, I wouldn't want to keep a lady waiting, especially when she's as punctual as you," he remarked, his tone smooth but slightly laced with a hint of sarcasm. It was clear he was testing the waters, trying to gauge her reactions and perhaps even provoke a response.

Abby chuckled softly, her laughter carrying a genuine note despite the undercurrent of his tone. "You— have a point there," she agreed, her eyes holding his gaze steadily. "But— sometimes, being— a little early gives you the— chance to take —in the world around you."