Wake up call

As the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, Abby stirred in her sleep, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Unbeknownst to her, the comforting scent of Remo lingered in the air, a subtle blend of musk and warmth that wrapped around her senses like a familiar embrace.

Instinctively drawn to the scent, she shifted in her sleep, unconsciously moving closer to the source of that captivating aroma.

As Abby nestled closer, a sense of contentment enveloped her, as if the very essence of comfort had taken physical form beside her. She snuggled into the inviting warmth, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she basked in the tranquility of the moment. The world outside seemed distant, as if time had paused to allow her to savor this unique cocoon of serenity.

However, as fate would have it, a sudden shift in position caused her eyes to flutter open. The drowsiness quickly faded, replaced by wide-eyed surprise and a startled gasp.

Before her, unfamiliar surroundings greeted her gaze. The room exuded an air of masculinity, with dark wooden furniture, leather accents, and rich, deep colors that contrasted sharply with Abby's usual delicate and light-filled space. The realization hit her like a jolt: she wasn't in her own room.

As she sat up, the sheets pooling around her, Abby's mind raced to make sense of the situation. Confusion and a tinge of anxiety danced in her eyes as she scanned the room, her thoughts racing to connect the dots. How had she ended up here? Why did everything feel so alien yet oddly enticing?

The memories of the night before were a haze, snippets of laughter, conversations, and shared moments. But the details remained elusive, slipping through her grasp like fine sand. Her heart skipped a beat as she finally noticed a half-empty glass of whiskey on the nightstand, its contents now a muted stain.

With a growing realization, Abby's fingers brushed against the soft fabric of the oversized shirt she was wearing, its scent mingling with the remnants of Remo's cologne.

Her gaze wandered, landing on the expanse of bare skin beside her, and her stomach plummeted. Her eyes traveled upwards and met a pair of familiar brown eyes, reflecting her own apprehension.

His gaze flicked downward, and Abby's eyes followed. Horror struck as she realized where her hand lay—on his lower part of his sweatpants.

She was touching something and it was so hard and big. Abby brows furrowed in confusion as she squeezed it.

Remo groaned but she was too preoccupied to notice. The tip moved and her eyes nearly bulged out of her socket.

"It moved!" She removed her hands and stared at it in shock.

Abby's heart raced as she watched in astonishment, her mind struggling to comprehend the situation. Her eyes remained fixed on the object that had surprised her so, her cheeks burning with a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.

Remo's deep chuckle filled the air, breaking the tense silence that had settled between them. "You're quite the morning wake-up call," he remarked, his voice laced with amusement.

Her face turned a shade redder as the reality of the situation sunk in. She had clearly touched his penis.

Mortified, she stammered, "I... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—"

Remo's grin was both reassuring and playful. "Relax, Abby. It's a perfectly normal reaction. Besides, you're the one who reached for it," he quipped, his teasing tone putting her slightly at ease.

Still feeling utterly embarrassed, Abby buried her face in her hands momentarily. "I can't believe I just... I mean, I didn't even realize..."

Remo's laughter was warm and comforting. "It happens, really. No need to be embarrassed."

Peeking through her fingers, Abby managed a shy smile. "I guess this is one way to start the day."

Remo nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Definitely a memorable wake-up call."

And just as Abby was beginning to recover from her embarrassment, Remo surprised her yet again. Swiftly, he gently turned her around and hovered on top of her, their eyes locking in a moment of intense connection. Her heart skipped a beat as their proximity sent a rush of warmth through her veins.

His gaze held a mix of playfulness and something more.

His proximity sent a shiver down her spine, her cheeks flushing with a blend of anticipation and nervousness. The sudden change in dynamics left her speechless, her mind racing to comprehend the situation.

Remo's voice was low, his eyes holding her gaze as he spoke. "You know," he began, his tone a gentle whisper, "It won't come down until you've helped me." He said taking her hand and placing it on his hard erection again.

Her breath caught in her throat, the intensity of his words echoing in the space between them. Abby felt a rush of emotions, her heart pounding as she tried to navigate what he was asking her to do.

"W-what help?" She asked.

"The one the woman did for the man in the adult film you watched the last time "

Remo's fingers brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Don't worry, Abby. We can take things at your pace."