Bumped into

"So how long have you been working for Remo?" Abby asked Tony as he pulled the shopping cart behind her.Remo had assigned him as a bodyguard for her and she had asked him to accompany her to get some groceries.Tony glanced over at Abby as they walked through the grocery store aisles, his eyes attentive to his surroundings. "I've been working for Remo for about three years now," he replied. "Started as a security consultant, and then he asked me to take on a more hands-on role.Abby nodded, adjusting her shopping list. "Three years is a long time. You must know him pretty well."Tony chuckled softly. "Yeah, you could say that. Remo can be a bit of a handful, but he's a good guy deep down."As they continued shopping, Abby couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension about the man assigned to protect her. She knew little about Remo's world of security and secrecy, but she trusted her husband's judgment. "It must be an interesting job, working for someone like Remo."Tony's gaze briefly met Abby's, and he gave her a reassuring smile. "Interesting is one word for it.Exciting, challenging, and sometimes downright nerve-wracking are a few others. But I take my job seriously, and I'll do my best to keep you safe, Mrs.Quinn"Abby appreciated Tony's dedication and professionalism. She knew that being part of Remo's life meant dealing with risks, and having someone like Tony by her side gave her a sense of security."Thank you, Tony. I'm glad Remo has someone he trusts to look out for me."Tony nodded, his focus never wavering as they continued their shopping trip. "It's my pleasure. Your safety is our top priority."Abby nodded, "Wh-what do you want for lunch? I w-want to cook for you to thank you for spending the day with me. I know I can be very boring."Tony was genuinely touched by Abby's offer. "That's very kind of you, Abby. You're definitely not boring. As for lunch, surprise me. I'm sure whatever you cook will be delicious."Abby smiled appreciatively. "I'll do my best. Let's finish up our shopping, and then we can head back and get started on lunch."As they continued down the aisles, Abby felt a growing sense of comfort in Tony's presence.It was reassuring to have him as her protector, and she looked forward to sharing a meal with him, getting to know the man behind the role of a bodyguard.Abby and Tony continued their shopping, filling their cart with groceries for the upcoming meal. As they moved through the store, their conversation flowed easily, and Abby began to ask Tony more about his life outside of work."So, Tony, besides being a dedicated bodyguard, what do you like to do in your free time?" Abby inquired, genuinely curious.Tony considered for a moment before replying, "Well, I enjoy reading a good book when I can find the time. And I'm a bit of a fitness enthusiast, so you'll often find me at the gym. But most of all, I value spending time with my family and friends."Abby smiled, appreciating the glimpse into Tony's personal life. "That sounds wonderful. Family and friends are so important. Do you have any hobbies or interests that might surprise me?"Tony chuckled, revealing a more playful side. "Well, I've been known to dabble in cooking myself from time to time. Nothing too fancy, but I can whip up a decent meal when needed."Abby's eyes lit up with interest. "That's great! Maybe we can swap cooking tips sometime. I enjoy trying out new recipes."Someone bumped into Abby unexpectedly, causing her to stumble slightly. Tony instinctively moved to steady her, his protective nature shining through."Are you alright, Abby?" Tony asked, concern in his eyes.Abby blushed, feeling a bit flustered by the encounter. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a little distracted, I guess."Tony smiled reassuringly. "No need to worry. I've got your back.""You fucking bitch! Don't you have eyes? You should watch where you're fucking going!"A woman dressed in a luxurious dress shouted at AbbyTony immediately stepped forward, positioning himself protectively between Abby and the angry woman.He maintained a calm demeanor and addressed the woman with a measured tone. "I understand you're upset, but there's no need for such language. It was an accident."Abby, still taken aback by the sudden outburst, tried to defuse the situation as well. "I-I'm sorry, it —was my fault. I-I didn't see you there."The woman huffed in annoyance as she scrutinized Abby's outfit with disgust on her face.Tony kept his composure, trying to maintain a civil exchange despite the woman's rude behavior. "We apologize for the inconvenience. It wasn't intentional."The woman, seemingly unimpressed by Tony's calm response, scoffed and muttered something under her breath. With a final dismissive glance, she turned and continued on her way, muttering to herself.Abby took a deep breath, relieved that the situation hadn't escalated further. She glanced at Tony with a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment. "I-I'm really sorry you— had to deal with that, Tony."Tony smiled reassuringly. "It's all part of the job, Abby. Don't worry about it. Let's finish up our shopping and get back home.Abby's discomfort lingered even after the woman had moved on. She continued to pick foodstuffs, but her steps felt less confident, her shoulders slightly hunched.Tony noticed Abby's unease and slowed his pace to walk alongside her. "Abby, don't let that encounter bother you. Some people can be rude, but it says more about them than it does about you."Abby looked up at Tony, appreciating his reassuring words. "I know Tony, but it's just... I'm not used to this kind of attention. I feel so out of place sometimes."Tony's expression softened. "You shouldn't feel that way. You're a kind and genuine person, and you have every right to be here. I'm here to ensure your safety and well-being, and that includes making sure you feel comfortable."Abby managed a small smile, grateful for Tony's understanding. "Thank you, Tony. I appreciate your support."