Bad person

"I'm fine, just tired" she mumbled, folding her arms tighter in front of her as she kept her gaze fixed on the ground.

The sound of Remo switching off the gas and his footsteps echoing against the floor until he stood in front of her. An internal plea for him to leave lingered in her thoughts.

He lifted his hand, nudging the knuckle of his curled pointer finger under her chin to prompt her to look at him. When she raised her tear-streaked eyes, his lips pressed together flatly. "That's more than just being tired, love," he stated, the usual arrogance in his voice replaced by a softer tone.

"What's wrong?"

He pulled her away from the kitchen into her room.

"Come on tell me, I don't like the tears in your eyes"

Abby looked at him, "W-why d-o y-ou care?"

Remo frowned, "Of course I care you're my wife. "

"May-be this was a bad—idea Remo…" she stuttered trying to swallow down her sobs.