Difficult news

As Remo sat in the sterile waiting room of the hospital, his mind was a whirlwind of fear, regret, and desperation. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, each ticking second amplifying his anxiety to unbearable levels.

His heart felt heavy with regret, a crushing weight that threatened to suffocate him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed Abby, that he hadn't done enough to protect her. The memory of her pale, lifeless form in his arms haunted him, filling him with an overwhelming sense of guilt.

Regret gnawed at him like a relentless beast, tearing at his insides with claws of remorse. He wished he had been more attentive, more vigilant, more present in Abby's life. He wished he had told her how much she meant to him, how much he cared for her, before it was too late.