
"Are you going to keep pretending I'm not here, Princess ?" Tony's voice cut through the tense silence, his words dripping with a hint of amusement.

Olivia shot Tony a withering glare as he addressed her with the nickname she despised. Her jaw clenched, and her grip tightened on the handle of her weapon concealed beneath her jacket. She hadn't spoken a word to Tony since they arrived, and she had no intention of breaking her silence now.

Her dislike for him burned deep within her, fueled by the memories of their tumultuous relationship and the pain he had caused her. Every glance, every word exchanged between them only served to reignite the anger and resentment that simmered just below the surface.

Tony's casual demeanor grated on her nerves, his nonchalant attitude a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within her. How could he act as if everything was fine when their history was anything but?