
Lying on the sterile hospital bed, Lana winced as she shifted uncomfortably, her face contorted in pain. The doctor had just informed her that she had a fractured hand, and the news only added to her frustration.

With a deep frown etched on her face, Lana seethed with anger. How dare that woman disgrace her in public like that! She couldn't shake off the humiliation of being rejected, especially in front of everyone at the café.

As the youngest and most pampered child in her family, Lana was accustomed to getting whatever she wanted. Her recent return from the States had only reinforced her sense of entitlement. She was used to men falling at her feet, captivated by her striking beauty and enviable figure. No man had ever dared to refuse her advances before.

But then she laid eyes on him – that handsome man in the café. Something about him had ignited a fierce desire within her. She knew she had to have him, to add him to her long list of conquests.