Rightfully hers

Nicole's gaze remained steady, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes as she assessed Remo's resolve. She knew him well enough to recognize the determination etched into his features, but she was equally aware of the dangers that lay ahead.

"You always were a stubborn one, Remo," Nicole remarked, her tone tinged with a mixture of admiration and disdain. "But some doors are better left unopened."

Remo's jaw clenched at her cryptic words, frustration boiling within him like a simmering cauldron. He had come too far to be deterred now, too invested in uncovering the truth behind Charles Falcone's death.

"I'll take my chances," Remo replied evenly, his voice a low rumble of determination. "Whatever you're hiding, Nicole, I'll find out. With or without your help."