A spy

Abby walked through the familiar, richly adorned hallway of their home, her steps echoing slightly in the quiet. She walked to the bedroom but Remo wasn't there. Putting the shopping bag down she made her way to his office.

The muted sounds of conversation filtered through the half-open door of Remo's study. Curiosity piqued, she pushed the door fully open and found Remo deep in discussion with a striking blonde woman sitting across from him.

"Who is this?" Abby asked, her voice a mix of confusion and intrigue.

At her entrance, Remo looked up, a bright smile spreading across his face. He stood and walked toward her with the ease of a man comfortable in his own domain. Closing the distance, he pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss on her lips, his affection dispelling some of her initial surprise.

"I missed you," he whined softly, his voice carrying a playful note.