Dinner (2)

“Yes, it’s quite unfortunate. She had been looking forward to coming to the wedding. However, she got quite sick, caught something nasty.” Ryker answered as servants cleared the table for the next course.

“That is a shame.” Lady Diana murmured, faking empathy. “Will your sister also be missing the wedding?”

“Unfortunately. She hasn’t debuted yet so cannot come by herself. There’s also the fact that she has to help my mother take care of the day to day operations.” Ryker explained.

“I take it this is why you wanted to visit Westerwyn?” the emperor interjected.

“Yes, your majesty.” Ryker answered. “My mother would like to give Her highness, Princess Raquel, her blessings.”

“I didn’t realize you were leaving for Westerwyn. When do you two plan on going?” Lady Diana asked.

Ryker was surprised. It hadn’t exactly been a secret that they were going to Westerwyn after the wedding as Ryker had put in an official request.

However, for Lady Diana not to know. Had the emperor not told her or was keeping her from knowing? He had no reason to though.

He didn’t know about the truth of Westerwyn and that it had witches there. Perhaps their relationship was not as they painted it to be. Ryker knew what one saw in public could be greatly different behind closed doors.

“After the wedding. Maybe a few days later.” Raquel answered. “Depends on the workload.”

“I see…” Lady Diana murmured. “Do you plan on taking your lady-in-waitings? You seemed to have chosen quite a few this time.”

Ryker knew she was fishing for information and seeing if Lady Ria was joining them. He guessed she was going this route as she had no real reason to stop them from joining. But she could use Lady Ria for information gathering.

“I will have two coming with me.” Raquel muttered, taking a bite of food from the main course that had been served. “As for how many lady-in-waitings I have… I don’t think that should concern you Lady Diana.”

“It does as the person in charge of the palace budget.” Lady Diana retorted.

“If you’re worried about the palace budget, look at decreasing your number of servants.” Raquel said with a blank look on her face. “Better yet, learn to please the emperor better so he doesn’t need to take so many mistresses.”

“Crown Princess Raquel!” The emperor yelled, his face going red.

The room was completely silent, not even a cricket could be heard. Everyone looked at Raquel and the emperor, wondering what would happen.

“You will refrain from talking like that to my consort.” The emperor growled.

Raquel rolled her eyes. “I only said what I did because your consort seemed worried about me having a few extra people around. It seems she’s incapable of running this palace if she can spend whatever she wants on herself but questions the legitimate heir using up her rightful allowance.”

The emperor sighed. “Is this so?”

“No, your majesty.” Lady Diana cried out in panic. “I was just wondering why so many so suddenly? It seemed out of character. Please don’t be offended by my curiosity.”

“Oh, you’re too late.” Raquel smirked. “I’d like to request an official investigation and want Lady Diana stripped of her control of the palace budget.”

Ryker wanted to grin at Raquel. Their plan was working perfectly as Lady Diana had fallen right into their trap. Raquel would use her right as heir to control the palace budget, weakening Lady Diana heavily.

They had planned this trap in case Lady Diana began questioning Raquel on her lady-in-waitings. The investigation would distract her for a while as she would try to hide her embezzlement. Of course Ryker and Raquel had already gathered their evidence.

However, it was not the right time to take down Lady Diana. They needed to destroy her influence a little more before doing so.

Still, the vultures around them seemed quite keen on her downfall, none coming to help her. Of course, they risked being investigated too. Ryker had to admit, Raquel had set up everything perfectly. Even her acting was perfectly done.

“Fine.” The emperor muttered, a hand over his head. “Have all records taken from Lady Diana and tell the Ministry of Finance to do an investigation.”

A servant who had been standing behind the emperor’s chair the whole evening, nodded his head in understanding before hurrying off.

Ryker knew the emperor had no choice. If he denied Raquel now to protect Lady Diana, Raquel could make a bigger issue of it at a parliamentary meeting. It seemed the emperor had chosen the quieter route.

This alone gave Ryker even better insight into their relationship…

“Your majesty?!” Lady Diana cried out in shock.

“Silence!” The emperor yelled. “Hand over the key to Princess Raquel… She’ll take over until the investigation is over.”

Lady Diana bit her lip and glared angrily at Raquel but said nothing. Instead she placed her hand in a pocket of her blue gown and pulled out a small golden key, handing it to Raquel.

Raquel took it happily, placing it in a pocket of her gown. “Thank you.”

The emperor turned to glare at Raquel. “Are you happy?”

“Not really. I would prefer her to be executed but that won’t so I’ll take what I can get.” Raquel replied sarcastically.

“You cursed wench!” The emperor slammed a fist on the table. “I will no longer have dinner with you constantly disrespecting me. Clear the table! Dinner is over.”

With that the emperor got up and left the room, silence falling on the room again except for the sounds of servants clearing the table. Once he left, Lady Diana got up and glared at Raquel.

“I hope you’re happy.” Lady Diana spat out before heading out with her two children trailing behind her.

“I would be better if I could slice your head off.” Raquel spat back, getting up.

Ryker got up too, a little upset about not finishing dinner but it was a great price to pay for what they had gained. Control over the palace.

Around them, others were leaving, Raquel and Ryker too making their way back to their quarters to decide what had happened.