The next morning, Raquel and Ryker quietly made their way to an abandoned part of the palace. There Raquel led Ryker to a small room where she picked up some rope lying in the corner.
“Can you climb a rope?” Raquel asked Ryker as she tied one end of the rope to a bedpost.
It took Ryker a second to realize that they were going to climb out of the nearby window. He quickly went over to the window and looked down. They were about three stories high.
“I think I’ll stick to using my magic…” Ryker murmured.
Raquel nodded her head in understanding as she tied the other end of the rope around her waist. “Suit yourself.”
Raquel then opened out the window, climbing over the window sill before jumping down. Ryker watched her disappear, the rope traveling down with her.
Ryker leaned over the window sill to see Raquel squatting, the ground around her dented. It made him realize that she was only alive because of her berserker blood. Otherwise she probably would have fallen on her face and died.
Ryker shook his head at her craziness before making a mana bubble around him. He then jumped down, landing softly next to Raquel who was untying the rope around her.
She looked over at him and put her cloak over her head. “Let’s get moving before the patrol comes by.”
“Okay.” Ryker placed his cloak hood over his head too. “But what about the rope?”
“If I tie the rope to a rock, the patrol knows it’s me.” Raquel explained. “I only have the most loyal members patrol this area.”
“Alright.” Ryker nodded in understanding. “Lead the way then.”
Raquel did so, walking to a nearby bush, pulling it aside to relieve a hole in the palace wall. She motioned for Ryker to go through it, following behind him.
“Is that safe?” Ryker asked as they made their way into the city.
Understanding what he was talking about, Raquel nodded. “I bought an illusion potion to hide the hole from others. I guess as a mage you can see through it.”
“Ah… That does make more sense.” Ryker murmured.
Illusion potions were a common thing mages could do so mages who knew advance spells could easily see through the magic. And as someone who had spent a majority of his time in research lads back at home, Ryker had an eye for illusions.
Sometimes not even realizing that he was looking at an illusion.
“Yes.” Raquel said before pausing for a moment. “Anyway, is there anything in particular that you’d like to do at the festival.”
“Not really.” Ryker answered. “I just want to observe the festival as I’ve never been to one in the empire before. We can do anything you want to… That is if there’s anything you want to do.”
“Alright. I’ll let you know if anything peaks my interest. For now we can just walk around the city. I can even show you around so you won’t get lost like last time.”
Ryker felt his eyes go red with embarrassment, glad the cloak was hiding it. “We all have our moments.”
“True.” Raquel murmured. “I’d probably get lost in Westerwyn without you.”
“Well it is a large territory. But there are a lot of towns so if you’re in one you should be fine.” Ryker stated as they walked past giant stone and marble buildings. “The capital is the only place with a big city. Oh and Deris City. But that’s because it has all the academies there.”
“I’m surprised Westerwyn doesn’t have cities.”
“Well for one most places are centered around a mine or research lab…” Ryker paused for a moment, looking to see if anyone was around them.
There were a few people out and about on the streets, most looking to be commoners setting up stalls for the festival.
Upon seeing that no one was focused on them, Ryker spoke again, “The other reason is the witches… We can’t draw too much attention to ourselves.”
“I see…” Raquel murmured. “Well enough about that… Let’s just enjoy the festival and forget who we are for today.”
“Alright.” Ryker nodded.
A few hours later, Ryker found himself standing next to Raquel watching a parade go by. Around them people were cheering and throwing flower petals towards dancers and other performers as they came past in colorful clothing.
Some were even waving red and silver banners in the air and musicians were everywhere playing music. It was completely chaotic but delightful at the same time.
Ryker had never seen this type of parade before. The ones he had been to previously were very orderly with people marching. Only the cheering crowds could be considered chaotic.
Soon the parade moved to the next part of the city, people moving on, either to their homes or to enjoy other parts of the festival. Raquel turned to look at Ryker.
“What do you think?” Raquel asked.
“It was quite entertaining.” Ryker replied. “I’ve never seen a parade like that.”
Raquel smiled. “Commoner parades are always like this. At least here. Parades in the noble or rich districts seem more stiff.”
“They do…” Ryker murmured in agreement. “Anyway, do you want to get something to eat?”
“Why are you hungry?” Raquel smirked.
“I’m surprised you aren’t with all the walking we’ve done… The smell of food cooking doesn’t help either.” Ryker muttered.
Around them stalls were setting up games or cooking food. Ryker saw everything from meat to sweets as well as spices which was uncommon for a poor district.
Raquel, noticing his gaze, answered the question in his mind, “The palace pays merchants to sell their spices in poorer areas for cheap. It’s their way of letting the public enjoy the important event I guess.”
“I see…”
“Anyway, let’s get some food.” Raquel said, looking up at the sky. “We’ll want to get a good view for the fire display.”
Ryker noticed how later it had gotten, the sun slowly going down. Not quite dusk yet but almost. It painted quite a beautiful image of the sky.
“Okay.” Ryker nodded. “By the way, do you think anyone will miss us.”
Raquel shook her head. “Let’s just say something is distracting everyone right now.”
Ryker wasn’t sure what she meant by that statement but decided not to ask. He wanted to enjoy the festival and relax his mind before the heavy battles began.
“Okay. Let’s get some sweets too.”
“Of course.” Raquel laughed. “Food is not done without having something sweet.”