“Well… It seems the duchess has invited only those linked with the Einar family or the royal family.” Mrs. Grace explained.
“So, if I was to go it would mean I was among enemies.” Raquel said in understanding. “If you’re worried about me causing a scene don’t be.”
“I apol-” Mrs. Grace started.
“Save it. I know you’re just looking out for the well being of the Westerwyn Duchy.” Raquel interrupted. “However, I will be going. Westerwyn has to be represented in some way at that party. Otherwise, nobles will think we’re losing our influence. Which is exactly what Einar wants.”
Suddenly an idea sparked in her mind. Raquel smiled as a plan formed in her mind. “Mrs. Grace, you said the tea party will be in two days?”
“Yes, your highness…”
“Hold off the reply for now. I want to discuss something with Ryker first.”
“Discuss what?” A voice asked.