Chapter 22: The Ultimate Sacrifice

I. Last Resort

Jason stood atop the towering citadel, stoically watching the horizon burn crimson as Hellion's demon army swarmed the city below. The vile warlock had risen again after eons, now impervious to mortal weapons. Jason had fought relentlessly, but Hellion only grew stronger by the hour, stoking humanity's fear and hatred.

With Hellion's nexus nearly manifested to engulf the planet eternally in darkness, Jason contemplated using his untested self-destruct Supreme System ability to stop the spread at the source - Hellion himself. But it would likely destroy Jason's physical form completely. 

As their protective shields began collapsing, Jason knew only this dire sacrifice could save the people now. Without hesitation, he set the self-destruct countdown and leapt into the fray, heading straight for Hellion. One life meant nothing if it preserved humanity's light. He would face oblivion fearlessly.

II. Giving His All

Reaching the warlock, Jason fought fiercely without regard for his own safety, striking with power unmatched. Hellion staggered under the relentless assault, unable to stop Jason's final advance as his form started deteriorating from the System overload. With the last of his strength, Jason tackled Hellion and detonated his critical mass.

The cataclysmic explosion of light disintegrated Hellion entirely while sloughing away Jason's physical essence. But Jason felt only sublime peace as death enveloped him. His sacrifice would spare humanity from Hellion's eternal curse. He had fulfilled destiny's purpose. Now Jason's essence floated calmly into the gathering infinite, ready to become one with the light again. No greater honor than to give all for others.

III. The Darkest Hour 

In the wake of Jason's doom, despair engulfed his surviving allies. With Hellion gone, his armies had scattered but at immense cost - their stalwart hero sacrificed forever. They had won the battle but lost their guiding light.

The people scattered in Jason's absence, petty conflicts dividing them again without his wisdom to steer the way. His sacrifice had saved their lives but stolen their hope. This sundering gloom felt darker than Hellion's occupation.

But Jason's sage mentor Lazarus remained steadfast, counseling faith that the light of hope once kindled could never be permanently extinguished, though it may flicker. If people joined again in compassion, light would return. Heroism was not solely the province of one - it lay in every heart, awaiting rebirth. Though darkness had come, the dawn must follow. But its timing relied on them now. Where there is courage, there is ever hope. 

IV. Reignition 

Inspired by Lazarus's unwavering words, pockets of people gradually united again, realizing their shared pain and honor Jason's gift by keeping his light alive. As compassion spread, Hellion's psychic taint evaporated, balance slowly restored. From this crisis of spirit, deeper bonds of empathy emerged across factions, along with new champions to walk in Jason's footsteps.

Soon legend told of how Jason's selfless sacrifice vanquished the ultimate darkness. The light had nearly gone out, but returned rekindled in people's souls, no longer dependent on one. By joining as beacons against despair, humanity illuminated the darkness until dawn came again.

And the story taught that no evil could ever extinguish hope completely if the faithful kept its flame alive in their hearts through even the longest night. For light is ever reborn. Where there is courage, no darkness prevails eternally. This was Jason's charge and redemption. If people stood together, the light would rise again.

V. The Eternal Story 

In the millennia since his sacrifice, every generation told the tale of Jason's ultimate gift and kept his spirit alive through acts of compassion and justice in his name. Though the era of heroes faded, people embodied Jason's example in daily life by brightening each other's burdens.

So humanity thrived, secure no darkness could consume completely their collective light. And in their souls, the people still sensed Jason's presence guiding them through trials, reminding hope persists if the courageous do not waiver. His story forever rekindled the flame against despair.

Light ever returns to banish darkness eternally. There is no end, just cycles of rising. And in some distant future hour, when humanity's need was greatest, the story foretold Jason's light would reignite again, revived from their unquenchable hope. Until then, the story must be told to keep the flame alive. Though the hero passes, hope endures where hearts do not forget. There is the eternal victory, for darkness never prevails completely while the courageous keep their inner spark burning, quietly awaiting light's return. This was Jason's ultimate gift - the awakened resilience within each soul to believe again when all seems lost. That candle ever outlasts the deepest night.