Searching changXi's paper

As an unknown hand was about to clench Li Gi's swaying hand, Krish gripped his other hand and twirled, pulling his body away from her.

"What the hell are you going to do just now?" Krish Wu shouted with a dander-turbulanting stare.

Li Gi turned around and gasped once soon after seeing it was her boyfriend, who tried to misbehave with her that night and was still chasing after her for her forgiveness.

"I was just about to call her, sir." He said it as if he wasn't wrong.

"You can call her by name; I won't allow any other students to touch my class students!" Krish said, throwing his hand away.

"What's wrong with touching them, sir? It's not like I'm going to rape her." That boy sounded conceited.

Krish looked at his neck for an ID card only to find his collar button was unbuttoned and was exposing his front shoulder, which tells us he is one of the rude students.

"What's your name? Where is your ID card? Button up your shirt!"

Krish gripped his collar and dragged him further forward, buttoning up his collar button forcefully and scrolling down his folded sleeves as that boy thrashed his hands. He gave a harmless slam on his chest before asking,

"Where is your ID?"

He remained silent and gave a burst of scowl instead.

"I'm asking you!"

Krish rested his hand on his hips, annoyed by his answerless tranquillity. He then threw a stare at Li Gi. "What's his name?"

"Fu Biao, sir."

She replied immediately but with a cracked voice. She was afraid of her boyfriend too.

"Fu Biao? Oh..... Your boyfriend?" Krish spoke out. That stunned both Li Gi and Biao.

"Ho-How-How you know about this?" Biao stuttered; she couldn't believe him because no teachers knew about their relationship. Only students were aware not to touch Li Gi just because Fu Biaio was a ruthless person who would smack one's nose if they bullied Li Gi.

The reason behind their shock was that this school is opposed to puppy love. If their relationship news reaches the principal, they will receive a dismissal letter from the school.

"I know every detail about my class students. Since you agreed that my words were true, two of you... Meet me in the sports room after school!"

He said, turning around to get back to the staff room as two of their faces sparkled with the feel of consternation.

"Ah, I forgot one thing." He turned back to them, clenched Biao's wrist, pulled along with him, and said, "You are not allowed to speak to my class student."

He headed to the playground, dragging him forcefully and shoving him onto Mr. Can't, who was monitoring the students' play.

"Do not allow him to leave the ground, sir." He left the ground.

Mr.Zang could only frown at Biao, who was unbuttoning his shirt's first three buttons, rolling up his sleeve up to his arms before joining the basketball players. Because every teacher acknowledged that he wouldn't be polite.

In the staff room, Krish Wu sat at his table and haled his class students' papers that Li Gi had submitted earlier. He began to check on everyone's dreams through their drawings and written words.

He came through Fanqia's first. It has only one sentence that says, "I want to be a teacher."

"Simple girl," he complimented himself and went through the next paper. It was GengXi's that had a pencil drawing of a basketball only.

"Mmm... a sports lover," he said to himself, putting that away from other students' papers before looking at Suilin's paper.


That was what was written in big letters on Suilin's paper.

A hopeless sigh escaped his lips, and immediately he dragged down his brows, subtly narrowed and flipped back and forth on Suilin's paper, and checked those already-seen papers again. He appeared to be perplexed.

"Where did the devil's paper go?"

He asked himself, blinking confusingly, and with one sigh, he recalled the moment that Chang Xi picked up a piece of paper that had a drawing of a human face before collecting leftovers.

"I don't see any human face in these papers," he said, throwing back his senses to think again. A few seconds later, letting out an irked sigh, he unseated quickly and headed to ChangXi's classroom.

He arrived at her classroom and asked for an excuse before calling out ChangXi, who was copying what Liu Yifei wrote on the blackboard like nothing disturbed her classroom.


Yifei called her calmly once after noticing she was just writing and didn't mind Krish Wu standing at the door waiting for her, while every other student was aware that he was there for ChangXi.

On the other side, Li Gi seemed shaky when Krish casually glimpsed at her before switching his sight back to ChangXi, sending a piercing stare at him.

"Why do his eyes keep searching for Li Gi if he is here for me?" ChangXi muttered to herself; her fierce glare at Li Gi was like she was going to kill her.

"ChangXi! Why are you frowning at Li Gi? Respond to Mr. Krish first!"

Yifei yelled. ChangXi stood up, meeting Krish's eyes.

"Come to the staff room with the paper you drew during the first period," he said, making his way to the staff room as she bent forward down to take her paper.