"You are overreacting!"
Krish muttered under his breath as he passed her to leave the room.
Chang Xin returned to her class only to find Fanqia deliberately avoiding her by joining in on the other girl's conversation. Confused Chang Xin gave a look at Suillin, who had no idea but watching Chang Xin get treated like that.
"What happened?"
He muffled at her when Chang Xin was about to ask him. She shrugged with a dubious expression on her face.
Despite Geng Xi having the same facial expression as Fanqia, Chang Xin could be disappointed in Fanqia alone. The lazy, obtuse movement of her hand, which was heading to grab a book, enunciated her dismay openly, which caused Geng Xi to be sorrowful for her.
In the staff room, Krish was uploading the sports students' names for the coming competition.
After the interval, Li Gi rushed to Fanqia and requested, "Can you please submit these today for me?"