All-Day Addriane

"Is that Brandi?" Ben woke up dazed and couldn't help but feel amazed, he had to admit that she's kind of hot.. really, really, hot; literally, she didn't look like fifteen at all.

At 5'4, she wears a comfy tank top and light-colored denim shorts. Her brown eyes complement her dark brown hair with blonde streaks, pulled back into a simple ponytail, and then her 32B bust is sized, not big but not bad.. Overall, she exudes a simple yet irresistibly hot and seductive vibe.

'Damn..' Thinking of how she and Ben had an incest relationship in the original book, he felt his blood boiling hot. Deep down, he really wished that he could have her right now... Just thinking of pumping that ass out of her, he felt himself being hard again.

'Unfortunately, I'm still young.' Ben sighed, shaking his head at his unrealistic idea.

Knowing her, she wouldn't find him attractive with his current self... 'Unless he grows muscles and becomes taller than her, otherwise, don't even think of it.'

[A/N: Ben in the original novel was handsome, and it was described that there are several girls that show interest in him even before his growth spurt, but because of his reputation as a "safe guy" (meaning 'small', which is attributed to his 5'2 height), no girls dare to date him.]

"Oh, well..." Shaking off his messy thoughts, he didn't really care about being seen by Brandi. He wasn't the original Ben, so he had no familial feelings for her. 

Is he embarrassed? Not really. Ben is a handsome guy and has a big D despite his age. Other than the fact that his height and body were undeveloped, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

As for the slim possibility of Brandi telling his parents about his actions, he scoffed. Knowing his parents and their peculiar hobby (orgy) in the original novel, he was certain they would only laugh it off.

Masturbation was something childish for them after all.

"First, let's clean up before heading down for breakfast."



Reaching the dining table, Ben was greeted by the lively scene of the original's family. His mom, Beth, was serving food on his siblings plates, and his dad, Michael, was sipping coffee from his cup while reading the newspaper.

Brandi, who had just caught him a while ago, shot an occasional glare at him, like she always did when she wanted to boss him around. Brooke, his younger sister, sat nearby, engrossed in listening to his adorable twin youngest sisters, Edden and Emma, who were animatedly chattering about their friends.

"What a perfect family," one would say after a glance.

'Heh' Ben only shook his head, there's no need to spoil it; at least, right now, it was very beautiful... far from the complicated routines of the future.


".. Damn, I'm really enviou—hey, Ben? Wake up!" A hissing voice sounded beside him, waking him up from his spacing out.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, Keny, what's up?" Raising his brows, he looks at his (original Ben) best friend, Keny Doyle. He was a few centimeters taller than him and quite handsome. albeit not as handsome as he was.

"I'm saying that Adrienne Dennis... She already had a boyfriend!" Keny said with an annoyed expression on his face, obviously not happy at him spacing out in the middle of their conversation.

"Oh?" Raising hisbrow, he turned his head to look at the said girl, who was the center of attention in the cafeteria, and upon laying an eye at him, she was indeed together with the captain of the football club.

Adrienne Dennis, one of the main heroines of "Ordinary Sex Life," was an odd character. He didn't really remember much about her; all he knew was that she had a rough childhood, her parents divorced when she was young, and she raped by her brother. She got pregnant at 12 and then had an abortion, which caused her uterine fibroids.

[A/N: Tell me if I'm wrong or miss something.]

Right now, she hasn't gotten her infamous moniker "All-Day Addriane," which she will get in a year or two. It was explained in the novel that she dated guys in order to forget the trauma her brother to her, which is something he finds strange.

After all, Addriane also admitted to OG Ben that she was an 'attention-whore'. In her words, she got turned on when guys flirted with her or when they looked at her during cheerleading.

The temptation it brought her was equivalent to when Ben had, when girls throwing themselves at him, wanting to fuck... Well, of course, he wasn't naive enough to trust all the meta-knowledge from the original book.

After all, the original novel was written from a first-person perspective: Ben's experience, Ben's feelings, and Ben's beliefs.

I mean, what was said in the book cannot be the entire truth. I mean, Perhaps the truth was that Addriane hit puberty (in the OG novel she hit puberty very early) and decided to seduce his brother, but because his brother got obssesed at her, she cannot bang other guys yada yada and at this moment, she finally had the freedom to let out her true nature... Who knows?

'She's a slut.. a hot slut on the top of that...' Ben thought to himself with a wry smile.

Looking at the lovey-dovy couple, he sighed. It was a lie if he said he wasn't jealous of that ; she was, after all, one of his favorite characte in the novel. For a moment he really had an urge to just approach them and flirt with her, or whatever yada yada plot armor, to make her fall in love. 

'Unfortunately, things won't work like that in real life.' Ben sighed. Looking at the football's club captain, he couldn't help but look down on his body, feeling a bit insecure. 

The guy was a f*cking 5'10, and Addriane Dennis was around 5'5... No matter how you look at it, it was impossible for him to approach them.

"The guy's name is Franco Velasco, football team's captain. He was known virgin killer, rumors says that he had taken virginities of more than a dozen girls!" Keny Doyle mumbled beside him, and for a moment, Ben swear that he saw Keny staring at Franco with hot eyes..



A/N:  The story began when Ben was only 13, meaning he still had 3 years before the cannon. There will be a lot of time-skipping, slice-of-life, and comedy elements.

P.S: The ff will be fast-paced. I really can't write more than 5000 words per chapter, like in the original.