Chapter 2. Azure world

'Is my system fake?' Parshant thought.


"So cold" Parshant sneezed again and said then he continued "System do you have any intial gift pack?"

Whether the system is a scam or not. He will know it right away. He needs home and this world documents too to live here and avoid trouble.

[Ding, the system doesn't have any gift package!]

Parshant heard and was about to scold the system but the system promot continued and he heard the system mechanical rigid voice again.

[Ding, detected the host has time travelled scanning the world!]

Yes, that's why he didn't scold. After all he need to know what kind of world had he time travelled. If he travelled to a high level fantasy world then...

[Ding, the normal scanning is completed.]

[Ding, the Azure world is a normal world but it is going through evolution!]

[Ding, time to complete the Azure world evolution: ???]

[Ding, changes brought by evolution: unknown!]

[Ding, the system level is too low to detect the evolutionary change and evolution time. Please ask the host to level up the system.]

Parshant was stunned and thought 'Even though I don't know whether what the system told me is true or false but it seems the system is not strong. Also it seems the world that I time travelled is called Azure.'

'It is going through evolution but because the system level is too low, it couldn't detect that when will the Azure world evolution complete and what changes it will brought after the world complete it's evolution.'

After thinking of that he nodded.

"It seems I can't pin my all hopes on the system. About home and documents, I need to do this on my own. There is also the money issue." Parshant said and was about to walk again but the system prompt sounded again.

[Ding, detected the host needs!]

[Ding, the host need a house, identity, documents and money.]

[Ding, completing the host need!]

[Ding, the host, wait for a moment, the system is generating the host identity...]

Parshant was stunned "Really not a scam!!!"

He thought he would go to hotel to get a job and wash the dishes. But the system directly solved all issues.

Then he saw that until the system was generating the identity. New notification sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting two storey house and 1 billion rupees!]

"What!?" Parshant was stunned and it took him some seconds to come out of his stupor.

Before time travelling he was a average guy from average family.

He didn't even think of getting 1 billion. After all even if you dream, you should dream something realistic.

But now in the starting of his time travelling he didn't need to do anything.

"~Hiss~ did I misunderstand the system? It's just too powerful!" Parshant said and checked the house location.

Just when he was checking the system prompt sounded again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host your identity in this world has been successfully generated!]

Parshant looked surprised and after checking the host location he checked the identity.

After checking the identity he raised his eyebrows.

The identity was that he was an orphan and today he come back from the overseas after completing the study.

The house had renovated and he is the one who bought the house.

As for the people's, they won't have any suspicious as to why an orphan bought the house. The neighbours didn't even know him.

He nodded his head and said "Even though the identity is perfect for me but there are so many loopholes. Like from where I, an orphan get the money to go overseas. Why I am a little rich. Also won't the government check on me. I am 19 years old and an orphan get the money to go overseas."

Parshant said he was a little nervous. He didn't wanted to go in the jail after time travelling.


Parshant sneezed again because of cold and said " I will think it later. First I should go to my new house."

" B-but I don't know the directions. I can ask someone." After thinking of this he started walking out of the alley.

When he walked the system prompt sounded again.

[Ding, detected the host worry!]

[Ding, scanning the problem...]

[Ding, scanning completed.]

[Ding, the host doesn't need to afraid even if anyone check the host background they will find everything normal.]

[The system has covered the host identity perfectly. The host can use the money given by system however he likes. The money is generated by the system and you can use the ATM card to withdraw the money from the bank normally.]

[The ATM card is inside the host pocket. Please check it. The host didn't need to be afraid of losing the card if the host lose the card the system the system will generate another card and the previous one will be blocked. The ATM card password is 0000.]

[Ding, please note host that the system first consider risk for host only then will the system give the host rewards. The host doesn't need to be afraid.

Note: The system overall goal is to let the host live a fullfill and satisfying life!]

[Ding, detected the host need..]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a world compass! By this you can know the directions all around the world.]

Parshant was stunned when he heard all this then a soft smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you system" He sincerely thanked the system. He knows that without system he will live a dog life in this world.

The world is going through evolution and it might becomes fantasy world. In the end he might get killed.

So he is really grateful for the system to give himself everything that he needs.

As for whether it's a conspiracy against him or something. He didn't even consider it. After all what can the system get from him a normal person.

He said "System why did I time travelled?"

This is his biggest question! He didn't hit by truck or had any accident. Why did he time travelled.

He could also be reincarnated right?

As for transmigration he didn't consider this option.

How to say transmigration is a little bad. After all if he had sex with a lady and she became pregnant then the child will be his or not???

NTR yourself?

"Gross" Parshant shook his head.

Before he time travelled there were many beautiful hentai's but fuck all of them contains NTR.

What can he do in the end he can only mastrubate to them.

Now forget about mastrubation he didn't even consider watching any porn.

He will form a harem in the future.

Even if the world is technical but he is rich.

Now he say that people are rich and they are willful. Parshant will do whatever he wants in this world.

After all money is everything. Even if money can't buy happiness but to be a happy person you still need money.

He shook his head and the system showed the directions. It has to be mentioned that the world compass is installed in the system.


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