Chapter 7. Harem Is Justice

[Ding, detected the host need..]

[Ding, congratulations to the host your charm has been improved and you get a natural affinity skill.]

[Skill: Natural Affinity

Type: Normal

Skill Type: Passive

Skill Level: D

Description: People will find you attractive and they will feel close when they look at you.]

"What the heck!?" He was feeling down and doubting himself when the system send the pillow in sleep.

What a considerate system!

He opened the skill and looked at it's description.

"System, tell me about skill level's. Also what is passive and normal." Even though he could guess passive and skill level but he still needs to know whether he is right!

[Ding, the host skill level's are divided into this category.


Passive that trigger naturally and doesn't need host action. While active is which need your action. The skill type normal. It means the host can't give this skill to others. Only skill marked with special name can be given to other's.]

"Really!?" Parshant was stunned. It seems there is still many things that he needs to find out about the system.

He looked at the description and felt that he could get a girlfriend now.

"But the system why is the skill level so low? Also can I upgrade it?? What will happen if I upgrade this skill to highest level???" He asked curiously while feeling dissatisfied that the skill level is low.

[Ding, host the system level is not enough to give high level skills. Please ask the host to level up the system.]

Parshant was speechless. He didn't know how to level up the system and the system didn't know how to level up itself. So what can he do?

He shook his head while the system continued.

[Ding, In the future you can upgrade this skill when the system level up. If the host upgrade this skill to the highest level the earth, elements and everything will feel close to host. If the host is in high level world. Like a cultivation world, he can cultivates without much hassle because the aura itself will feel close to the host.]

"Is that so!?" Parshant gulped his saliva feeling that the future is bright.

He can see himself with many women's.

"No, how can I get a girlfriend if I don't speak? But I don't know how to start a conversation! Forget let the nature take it's course." Parshant murmured and closed the TV.

He went into into the second floor in his room and checked what happened to himself. After all the system also increased his charm.

While he was going he checked the system panel.

[Happy Life System;

Name: Parshant

Identity: System Owner

Physique: 1

Spirit: 3

Speed: 2

Strength: 1

Skills: Natural Affinity (D)

Special resistance: None

Omnipotence Points: ???

Items: A King Size Bed, Tables, Chairs...]

Looking at the skill and D in parentheses he raised his eyebrows.

'It seems the skill column won't show none anymore.'

He shook his head and arrived in the second floor.

Then he pushed the door and took off his clothes.

The house was warm and he didn't to watch out whether he would get cold.

After taking off his clothes he looked at the mirror.

"Damn! Is this me?" There was joy on his face. He looked at himself.

In the mirror there was standing a handsome young man.

His eyes and hair were black while skin was white healthy. The stain spots on his face which was due to pimple were gone.

Even though he would look handsome before but it was like moon which is bright but having stain on it.

But now he looked bright without any stain.

He looked at himself then lowered his head to watch but "My whole body is white except my dick."

He looked at his big black dick. Previously he used his hands so much that it got bigger. He used to masturbate watching porn and hentai. Mostly hentai!

He shook his head and felt a little weird watching himself. He quickly wear back the clothes.

"Okay the charm is really useful. But what about skill. Why don't I feel close when I look at myself?" He quickly asked this question to system.

[Ding, host you can't use your skill on yourself.]

"Is that so?" He nodded his head while his eyes became deep. Because it seems that what the system said is normal but if pay attention you will understand that system didn't said only for this skill.

"It means the scop is wide and I won't hurt by my own skills." Of course he was talking about accident. Like hitting his skill on yourself.

"But this is a normal world I don't need to be afraid and neither do I have any skill which could hurt others." He went to the down floor. He had took everything inside his storage space but he didn't took TV.

All the novel, manga and dvd were placed on their own place.

He decided that he would directly sell them and won't rent.

Then he sit back to watch the TV.

Soon time went and it was evening time.

He goes to the kitchen and cook food for himself.

After eating the food he goes back to the down floor and started watching the TV again.

Previously the kitchen was on first floor but he demolished it using the omnipotence points and made it on the second floor.

The house is big and he didn't need to worry about the place.

So he made the kitchen on the second floor using omnipotence points.

Soon the night come and he went to the second floor to sleep after locking the door.

Security comes first, it didn't matter whether it's a boy or girl.

Parshant lay down on the bed and thought 'From tomorrow I will open the shop. How to say I am excited. I also didn't know whether I can get a girlfriend. No, I must form a harem. Harem is justice!!!'

"But I won't leave my woman like protagonists in the novel." He said and continued "Good night to myself!"

After saying this sentence he closed his eyes and went into deep sleep.


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