Chapter 10. He Has Feelings For Me!?

Yes, he did this all for her number. Even though he asked her in round way but he was still nervous.

How to say this is his first time asking a girl her number.

Before he hadn't even thought about it.

"N-number" Helen was surprised and shy at the same time.

She was thinking whether she could get his number or not. But it's already set that he is asking her number. Even though he wanted her number because of buying back the novels but he is still asking her number right.

Helen said she is happy.

Parshant saw that she was surprised and didn't whether she would give him her number.

So he continued "Yes, I want your number because if you come back to sell all novels back and there are customers in my shop then what will they think that I am selling them used items."

"This offer is only for you and you are the only VIP in my shop."

Parshant heart started to beat fastly and he was nervous when he said this to her.

Helen was also stunned by what he said.

'The offer is only for me? Isn't it because he thinks that I am special.' Helen was truly happy. There is nothing more satisfying then when your first crush has the same feeling as you.

As for thinking that what he said is true like VIP customer or anything. She didn't consider it.

'It is because he has feeling for me that's why he is doing this.' Helen know her beauty. In the school many boys confessed to her but she didn't even think about accepting their confession.

She thought she would remain single but who knows that by mistake she entered inside the wrong store to buy books but from the corner of her eyes she saw the store owner.

But just by one glance. She felt that he was too handsome but she still felt normal.

But the next day she couldn't help but come to watch him again. It was like she was drugged and she must she his face to become normal.

The days continued to go like that. In the whole month she comes to his shop. In the beginning she even bought expensive novels because she didn't wanted him to look down upon her.

But she didn't have much money. This money was also she gathered with difficulty. She is an orphan and from last year she started to work. Before she was living in on government subsidies.

She didn't have any house but had rented and the owner of the house is also her best friend.

So she can still do everything normally. But the hard earned money and the money she saved difficulty was spent into buying H novels she is actually speechless.

But as the days go her budget get less and less until some days ago she finally started buying cheap novels.

Even though she didn't wanted him to look down upon her but her budget was low.

She know that in some days she would run out of money if she spent her money on the things like that.

So she was about to confess to him in some days but she felt so shy but now he is asking her number she said she is too happy. Not to mention she would get her most of the money back.

So hearing him she hurriedly nodded her head.

"Y-yes what you said is right. If customers see that you buy back the novels or even sell the used items they won't buy them." She nodded her head and agreed him that he is right about asking her number.

"T-this here is my number." In fact she wrote her number on a paper to give him but she didn't have confidence to really give him. Now that he is asking herself so she naturally handed him the paper.

Parshant took the paper naturally while he didn't showed any happiness when he received her number.

After taking her number he hesitated and asked "C-can I ask you a question?"

He directly wanted to question her but felt that this would be too disrespectful to her. He isn't her anything. He is just a shop owner where she buy novels everyday.

He knows she loves him and he loves her.

But asking her directly without in formal relationship would feel a little awkward like why the hell is he even asking her questions?

Who is he to her that he is asking her a question.

So he asked whether he could ask her a question.

Helen handed him the paper while inside her heart she was smiling. Even though she didn't know his number but he would call her and she will know it eventually.

She had this patience.

She heard him and finally moved her head to look at him. In fact until now her head was down she was just too shy to look at him.

This is her first love okay and she is handing him her number so with happiness come shyness.

Hearing him she nodded her head.

Parshant saw that she looked at him and was stunned when he saw her beautiful face upto this close.

'Too beautiful! This girl I am set to get. No I must get her. She can only be mine.' He thought. She loves him and he is set to get her.

Parshant, he is a possessive person.

Seeing that she nodded her head he hesitated and asked "T-that why did you come late today?"

After asking her he still felt that the question is set to create a misunderstanding like without any relationship he wanted to get her information what will happen later.

So he hurriedly added "I am not questioning you. I just want to know if you are in trouble. If you are in one then I can solve that problem for you."


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