Chapter 14. The Date Finally Started

Helen entered inside her room and placed her bad on the table.

"Sigh~ What should I do? Should I tell Maya that I get a boyfriend? No, wait we didn't seem to confirm our relationship. Wait, wait, wait, he didn't even asked me directly whether I would go on a date with him or not. Forget it! I should get ready for our date."

She shook her head feeling speechless. What kind of thing is this?

Then her face turned red because she remembered that she go into an adult shop to buy adult goods at least he didn't said that suck of her dick.

"Ahh what the hell I am thinking!!! Am I a dirty girl? No I am not. Let's go and get ready." She firmly said that she isn't a dirty girl.

She took off her all clothes and went to take a bath.

It took her a hour to come out from bathroom. In fact she would take thirty minutes daily to take a bath but today she cleaned her all hair included pubics.

She wore a lovely long dress with white coat on her body.

Then she took out all the stacks of H novels that she bought from him.

She took out all her books from bag and put the novels inside it.

She looked at the watch on the wall and hurriedly put the bag behind her back.

"I got late on our first date. I should go now."

Just as she was about to go out from her room. She thought of something and come back.

She looked at herself in the mirror and after looking for some seconds at herself she said "Even though I wore a school bag on my back but I am still beautiful."

Then she hurriedly shoots out from her room.

She looked at her friend room and after finding it close. She hurriedly went downstairs then made her way to his house.

On the other hand,

Parshant day was quite difficult. Not because of something else but because he didn't wanted to wait and go on a date with her as soon as possible.

Soon time went like water and finally it was 3 P.M.

"Why she didn't come until now? It's not that she will give me a sweet candy and say that I can't come because of work right?" Parshant was worried but as we all know his worries were all for nothing.

Parshant was wearing white shirt and coat with black pants downside.

He didn't wear expensive and professional clothes because by that he and Helen would have a invisible identity gape between them.

But even so he wasn't worried that some bloody'plots' will happen to him. Like other's would say he is a poor ghost or anything.

He knows that he isn't the centre of the world.

Even if he isn't in this world the sun wouldn't still rise and water will still flow.

As he was waiting he saw Helen coming here while her face was red.

He was strolling in front of his house waiting for her.

After he saw her like that he smiled and said "Good afternoon Helen"

"Good.. afternoon... Parshant haah haah haah" She was breathing roughly.

Parshant saw her like that and said" Slow down, let me pick up this stuff."

He took the bag from her back and she starting taking breath roughly.

"So why so rush?"

"I thought I would get late."

"Okay you don't need to overthink this again. If you are late then we will go later. No worries. Let's go inside the house and put this stuff. Later we will go to eat and watch cinema." He said and saw her nodding her head.

They entered inside the house and he took her to second floor.

Helen entered Parshant house and looked here there.

She thought that his house would be dirty because she had heard this from other girls.

But looking at the crystal clean house she was stunned. Because even her house is not clean as him.

She didn't know that he will use omnipotent points to clean his house. If they were limited then he would clean his house himself. After all he didn't like to stay in a dirty room.

But as the omnipotent points are maximum he use them as he wishes.

That's why his house is crystal clean.

Parshant took her to second floor and 'checked' the novels. In fact even if they were damaged he will still bought them.

But he raised his eyebrows when he saw that all novels were new as if they were not opened. He looked at her with the corner of his eyes and when he looked at her he saw that her face was blushing.

He shook his head and didn't said anything to her.

"Okay, here is the money." He took out around 48 thousand Rs. Yes, she bought this much money's novels. Can anyone believe it?

"No, that... you can give me later!" Even though she wanted to say that she doesn't need this money and he can take back but she herself know her house condition. So she said that he can give her this money later.

Parshant nodded his head and didn't force her. In fact she didn't took money otherwise she would find out that the money is not 20% less but almost the same amount which she bought this much novels.

Parshant put the money inside his pocket.

Then he looked at her and said "Wait just a moment, I will give you a glass of water."

Helen shook her head and said "No, Umm we should go otherwise we will get late."

Parshant smiled when he heard her. He chuckled and replied "Okay then we will go now."

He placed her bag on his bed. They were in his bedroom. After placing it he said "You can take it back when you go back."

Helen nodded her head and look at him a little anticipated.

Parshant saw her like that and didn't let her wait for more time.

They come out from his house.

He locked his house and looked at her as he said "Okay let's go."

Helen nodded her head and their long lasting date finally started!


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