Chapter 16. Helen Need To Be Trained

But she still felt that what he meant by a 'little' difference is a lot.

Parshant saw her like that and couldn't help but say "That, If you had any problem I can change the shop."

"No, no, no, Why would I have any problem. In the end who am I to you!?" She wanted to say that he don't need to change his shop or anything but she seems to notice that her tone contains a bit of sadness when she said that.

Parshant heart started to beat abnormally when he heard her. At the same time he saw that she was feeling sad.

A trouble expression appeared on his face. He struggled a lot inside his heart and finally he put his both hand on her face.

After placing he made her look at himself.

"Who are you to me?" Parshant seems to ask her but at the same time he seems to answer her.

He looked at her who was obviously shocked when he placed his hand on her face.

But the more shocking thing was about to come.

Because Parshant lowered his head and kissed her plump red lips.

He wasn't horny but he couldn't control himself when he saw her sad. At one time he wanted to say that you are my VIP customer but until when he could say that to her?

So finally he kissed her lips because there is 80% chances that she will agree to him.

Helen was shocked and stunned feeling wetness on her lips.

At the same time she subconsciously smooched him back. Her body reacted her own.

Then Helen come out from the shocked and stunned moments and pushed him back gently.

She seems to think something then became a little angry.

She said "Parshant, I am not that kind of women. Who will spend her night with you just because of money."

She thought that he did all this because he wanted to play with her. She didn't know why he thought like that.

But even if she love him, he can't just do whatever he wanted. She won't hand him her body if he wanted to buy it with money.

Parshant was speechless by her outbreak. He lowered his head once again and took her hand into his own hand.

Helen who was kissed again was stunned.

Just when she wanted to push him back he broke their kiss and said "I don't want to play with you with money. I, this, even though it may seem absurd but I love you. I want to make you my women!"

"Helen, I Love you and want to make you my woman. Will you give me this chance?" He asked seriously. He really started loving her. He knows that it may seem absurd. I mean yesterday was the first time they even talked.

Now he is confessing her at this time.

He had previously considered that he would make their relationship strong in this date.

But he said that he couldn't watch his women sad. So he directly confessed to her.

As for whether this would be successful or not would depend on her.

Helen heard him and this time she was really stunned. Even though it may seem absurd but thinking from yesterday she know that he is telling truth.

So the thing is that whether she should accept his confession.

She didn't struggled and looked at him as she asked "Is this true?"

Parshant nodded his head seriously.

"But is it okay for me to accept your confession? I mean you won't think that I am a casual girl right?"

"Of course I won't think that." He replied her while nodding his head.

Helen face blushed again and she asked him again "Then will you marry me in the future?"

Parshant felt that she was too cute when she asked him this question. He couldn't help but kiss her lips again.

Helen felt her lips being kissed again.

"Ahh what are you doing? I am asking you serious question!" She pushed him again.

"Sorry, sorry, you were too cute that I couldn't help but kiss you. As for your question of course I would marry you and won't abandoned you." Parshant reassured her.

"Then, that, we could only do that after marriage, Is that okay?" Helen asked feeling shy and worried whether he would accept this.

Parshant nodded his head and replied "It's okay I can wait."

"Then I solemnly accept your confession." Helen said seriously but before she could get serious enough she was kissed by him again.

She didn't resisted this time and neither pushed him.

It's just she didn't kissed him back.

After some seconds Parshant broke their kiss and asked "Dear, why didn't you kissed?"

He was a bit puzzled. Two minutes ago she was kissing him and now she didn't.

"I, that, I just couldn't do that." She felt ashamed when she was asked by him this.

Parshant smiled but didn't forced her.

He said "Okay dear."

"D-dear?" Bubble of happiness appeared inside her stomach.

It was like the most beautiful sound for her.

"Yes dear, from now on you will be my wife. Just like I replied before. I would marry you." He said and stroked her cheeks.

Helen blushed and nodded her head. At the same time she thought 'I really didn't saw him wrong. But I had said earlier that he wanted to buy my body with money. Okay I shouldn't feel sad but think how to repay him. Umm... He likes kiss right?'

She blushed and moved her face in front of him.

Parshant was surprised when she did that and even more when his lips were pecked by her.

But he had placed his hand in on her face and didn't let her move away.

Of course, he didn't forced her but he just didn't wanted her to only peck his face.

Helen felt that he didn't wanted to seperated so even though shy but she didn't separated and kissed him awkwardly.

'She is new to kiss and need to be trained.'


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