Chapter 20. I-I Can Feed You If That's What You Want

After Maya opened the door. She was stunned.

This time she really saw the embarassing scene but now she is too stunned.

She hadn't thought that her best friend who was kind may be willing to feed any man by her mouth.

Helen who successfully put the cake into his mouth was feeling sweet and a different kind of excitement but her excitement was dashed by the sudden opening of the door.

Parshant also didn't know that someone would really open the door.

He knows that it must be her best friend.

When he looked at the girl who opened the room.

He was surprised because the girl is so beautiful. Her black ponytail hair and shiny eyes. At the same time the confident aura is a plus.

But feeling the cake inside his mouth he gulped it down his throat and the sound of gulping the cake echoed in the room.

After hearing the gulping sound Maya finally come out from her stupor.

She pointed her fingers at Parshant and asked "W-who are you?"

"I am? Her boyfriend and you?" Parshant chuckled and replied. He knows that she must be in too much shock to find that her best friend invited her boyfriend into the room.

"Y-you," Maya also know that he must be Helen boyfriend. As for thinking that he is threatening her or anything. She didn't even think about it cause she had seen that Helen was feeding him with her mouth.

"I-I am going out you guys can continue." Mya finally couldn't stand and wanted to go to her room.

But Helen quickly said " It's not what you are thinking Maya."

But Maya was already walking.

Helen looked at Parshant and Parshant 'helplessly' caught her hand as he took her back to the room.

"Ahh quickly release my hand. It's sexual harrasment. I am gonna call the police." In fact she couldn't do that. After all he is Helen boyfriend. She was threatening him. She was so embarassed just now.

But Parshant didn't listened to her and finally they come back to the room.

Helen saw her friend like that and couldn't help but feel a burst of shame.

After that she saw that Maya was sitting on the bed while Parshant was near her.

She didn't think much of it. After all as his girlfriend she had trust in him.

She coughed and cleaned her throat.

She said "It's really not what you think Maya."

Maya also know that Helen won't let her leave until she forget about that.

"Okay I know Helen. I understand that. Now can I go?" She just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Helen looked at Parshant and he felt helpless.

What can he do?

But he knows it was his fault. If he had closed the door then situation wouldn't have happened.

He coughed and said "Yes, Helen is right. It's really not what you think. She was just feeding me and I was about to go back to my house."

Maya finally couldn't help but retour " Okay then tell me what do I think? And don't you have any shame you are letting a girl feed you?"

Parshant shook his head and replied her "No, I don't have any shame. I mean she is my girlfriend and I am her boyfriend. As for what you may be thinking is that Helen opened a room in the house."

He looked at her meaningfully and Maya understand what kind of room opening he is talking about.

"Okay, I understand that you d-didn't o-open the room! can I go back now?" Maya felt shame but finally asked whatever inside her heart. At the same time she was in bad mood.

Because Helen didn't even told herself that she has a boyfriend. She is her best friend you know!

"Okay but before you go have a piece of cake as today we have become boyfriend and girlfriend." Parshant seems to know what she was thinking and to solve their misunderstanding he said that.

"Ehhh you guys, did you become boyfriend and girlfriend today? B-but then why was Helen feeding you?" Maya was confused when he said that.

She thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend from a long time ago. After all Helen is feeding him with her mouth.

But who knows that Parshant directly shut down her brain by saying that they became boyfriend and girlfriend today.

"T-that I, he asked me and I feed him..." Helen voice was so small and even she didn't know what she was talking about.

Just after hearing that Maya looked at Parshant deadly.

How dare he made her best friend do that!?

Parshant coughed and felt uncomfortable. But he said "We are girlfriend boyfriend so naturally we should be doing that. Isn't this common in relationship?"

Maya gritted her teeth and asked "Then you will ask her to feed you in the starting of the relationship?"

"Of course, I can only I ask my girlfriend. I wanted to do this a lot with my girlfriend. Now that I had a girlfriend so I naturally requested for it. Now I can't ask you to feed me right?" Parshant asked.

In fact he had some 'bad' intentions. Even though he loved Helen a lot but after seeing her best friend he also loved her.

It's a man nature and he can't stop it.

But of course he won't say this.

But express in different ways and after getting Helen it's her turn next.


"I-I can feed you if that's what you want!" Maya was really a good friend and she cared a lot for her best friend.

That's what you may be thinking but it's quite the opposite. Because after she saw Parshant her heart started beating fastly.

It was also one reason that she wanted to go back to her room.

As for stealing him from her. Heck! She hadn't even thought about it.

Just by this we know that she is a qualified friend.


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