Getting the job. R-18

She was staring straight at him.

He ducked to the side of the window as quickly as he could, hiding away from her sight.

His heart was almost beating out of his chest.

This was exactly what he feared was going to happen.

He knew he wasn't supposed to be peeking, now he was caught.

‘F--k!! What was she going to think of me now?’ His image is ruined.

After calming his beating heart and his chaotic thoughts down, Abe peeked out albeit slowly this time, to check if she had finally pulled the curtains or if she had switched off the light.

He slowly peeked from the side of the window, expecting her to have pulled her curtains or at least switched off the light but to his surprise, she didn't.

She never stopped her erotic activity, she didn't get up to close the window or pull the curtain, or switch the lights off.

It was like she didn't care if she was being watched or she never saw Abe in the first place.

“Come to think of it, she didn't scream after looking his way nor did she pull her fingers out of her v—-a” Abe thought in his mind.

His room was dark and he wasn't really fully standing at the window frame, maybe she was staring at the room instead.

Maybe he just happened to be at her line of sight.

All this was based on a maybe theory though, he couldn't be sure.

Slowly and boldly, Abe peeked at her.

‘The pink lady' as Abe had named her in his mind, continued finger-f—--g herself with her eyes shut tight.

Her finger came in and out of her p---y at a faster pace while her other hand was on her nipple rubbing and pinching them.

She would sometimes bring her head close to her perky b—-ts to lick her own n—-e or to bite it.

This was just too hot for Abe to handle, he didn't know where he found the courage to pull his erected d--k out of his shorts.

With his eyes glued to the pink lady's erotic choreography, he also got busy with his d--k, stroking himself.

The pink lady's other hand was now on her clit, with her other hand working on p---y, she rubbed on her p---y and f----d it at the same time.

A few minutes later, she jerked her hand to her mouth, covering it as she shook on the bed.

She pulled tightly at the bedsheet, with her back arching up.

This scene sent Abe over the edge as he released his sack content.

“F--k!" He muttered as he c—d

The sticky fluid came rushing out of his p—s, staining the floor and the walls.

When he finally opened his eyes, he saw that the pink lady was no longer on the bed.

‘Maybe she went to clean herself in the bathroom.’ he thought

He pulled off his sleeveless top, and he wiped his c-m off the wall and the floor, before tossing the top in the laundry basket.

He fell on the bed with a thud, not even bothering about shutting the windows.

His eyes shut themselves, embracing the warm call of sleep.


The next morning, Abe woke up with the ray of the sun shining straight on his face, this was exactly why he preferred shutting the windows.

He hated having his sleep disturbed, but he had no choice, he was going to be woken up sooner or later by his Uncle.

He got up with a groan, pulling the curtains aggressively before walking out of his room to get a glass of water.

He got out of his room, this also happened to be the time his uncle got out of the gym, sweating buckets.

“Good morning Uncle." Abe greeted

“Good morning nephew, how'd you sleep?" His uncle greeted back, as he wiped the sweat off his face with a towel.

“I definitely slept okay. I can see you're really working on getting it back uhn!" Abe said

“Don't play with me boy, I meant what I said. But I won't lie, it's hard as hell, didn't know I went that far astray." His uncle joked

“Anyways I've thought about what you said yesterday, and my answer is, if you think you're up to the task then why not?"

“Thank you Uncle, I sure won't disappoint you." Abe replied happily, finally he's got a job.

“It's 8:15 now," his uncle said checking his phone, "So get ready, we leave in 30 minutes. No need to cook, we'll be having breakfast at the site. “

" Okay.”

" Oh by the way, you didn't mention your neighbor.” Abe said

" Oh them? Just ignore them, if they greet you then it's fine, if they don't just walk away. It's a mind your business policy around here. “ His uncle replied

“And also, don't go around greeting everyone you see. Got it?"

" Okay got it, I'll be out in 30 mins.” Abe replied.