First week at Hero city.

Even though his uncle had said it wasn't going to be easy, Abe was not at all prepared for what he faced at work that day.

He had anticipated the difficulty and the strain, but reality proved different as he had never worked like this before.

He ran errands, got everyone's food during breaks and did some heavy lifting.

By the time they got home at night, Abe went straight to his room, took a shower and came back to eat the food they got from the restaurant on their way home.

Not at all minding his uncle's laughter and the tease of him being a ‘weak boy', he went back to his room and fell right asleep immediately his body touched the bed.

The next morning, before he got up from bed, Abe took some minutes to contemplate if he should get up or not.

At the end of the day, he decided to go through with it till the end.

He got up from the bed with a groan, he pulled the curtains to let the sunlight in the room, he also took the opportunity to peer into the pink lady's room.

Unfortunately for him, the curtains of her room were drawn.

Abe sighed, even if she put on a show like she did the other day, he wouldn't have been able to watch her.

He went out of the room to get himself a cup of water.

He paused at the gym room, peering in, he couldn't find his uncle there.

“He's never getting it back." Abe muttered under his breath before walking off to the kitchen.

He was rinsing the cup he used when he heard the scuffling of feet coming from his uncle's room.

The sound of the door being shut, was accompanied by a female's laughter.

He came out of the kitchen to see his uncle escorting a lady out of the house.

Just as she was about to open the door, his uncle grabbed her, turned her around and planted a hard kiss on lips, which she responded to.

Abe watched them go about their business, he shook his head and went back to the kitchen to return the cup back to its place.

He was heading back to his room when his uncle came back in with a big grin.

“It definitely is a good morning for you uncle." Abe said, teasingly

“Yes, it is Abe. It definitely is.” His uncle replied

" Who is she?” Abe asked

" She's someone, don't worry about her. One of these days, you guys will get to meet.” hi uncle said

“Okay." Abe replied before proceeding to his room.

45 minutes later, Abe, his uncle and Gary were having their breakfast at the restaurant opposite the construction site.

“So Abe, how was the work? It wasn't exactly what you expected, right?" Gary mouthed in between is chewing

Abe looked up from his food “I wouldn't really put it like that. Yes it was hard, but it pays so.."

" Yeah boy, we all shove the complains up our a-s” Gary said patting Abe's back

“Hey John!"Gary called


“You asked about my wife’s well-being yesterday, I want to repay your kindness by asking about Anita.”

" Who's Anita?” Abe asked

" The lady at the house today.” his uncle grumbled.

" Oh!!” Abe exclaimed

" She was at your house?” Gary asked

" None of your business Gary.” his uncle said as he continued eating.

" You see Abe, your dear uncle here knows nothing, at all.” Gary said facing the confused Abe

" And why is that? Because I keep rejecting your offer to get married?" John scoffed.

“No!! You know nothing because clearly you can't see, she's using you." Gary said

“Oh please, I'm the one doing the f-----g, so don't talk to me about “using”.” John replied

" Really? Last time I checked, you guys are only just f-----g. Do you even have any other plans for each other? Are you ever going to get married?” Gary asked

“If the word "using” should be used, then I'm the one using her. She doesn't ask me for money or anything like every other girl, she just wants the D. And you should stop stressing about me getting married you fat cunt." John said, pushing his plate forward

" Yeah!! You definitely don't know anything.”Gary said as they all stood up to leave.

“ Still not your business.” John replied

" You should really get married bro, before your d--k stops working and your dear Anita leaves you." Gary advices,

“Yes mum!!" John replied

They all laughed as they walked out, heading to the construction site to start the day's work.


That was how Abe's first week went, waking up, going to work and coming back home to fall asleep almost immediately.

It was a Saturday morning, and Abe got up with a groan.

Sighing, he got out of the room to get himself a cup of water like he always does every morning.

When he got to the kitchen, he met his uncle fully dressed eating cereal out of a bowl which surprised him.

“Did I get up late?" He asked confused

" No you didn't, I have to quickly branch at the office before going to the site.” His uncle replied

" So how will I get to the construction site?"

" No, you stay home, I have something I want you to do.”

" Oh! What job is that?" Abe asked with his head tilted.

“Check around the house, whatever we need, write them down. Get them at the supermarket.” His uncle replied

"Do you have cash for transport?"

" Yes. “ Abe answered

" Good. Take my card, pay for everything you buy. And also get yourself a phone."

“But I have a phone." Abe said

“ I meant a better one, not that ancient artefact you use. And also don't refuse, I know that's why you've been saving up your wages with me to receive at the end of the month. The money can be used for other purposes.” His uncle said.

" Thank you Uncle, I really don't know what to say.”

" You've said enough already and that's enough. That's all, I'm off to work.”

(Author's note: Dropping encouragement for the author is very important. )