We are getting married.

Dinner was ready, the three of them sat around the dining table.

Abe served the food while Anita passed him the plates.

He had to cook more at the last minute, he wasn't really expecting Anita to stay the night.

Abe wasn't sure he'd be getting a good night sleep tonight.

Either it's going to be Anita's moans or the loud music, one was bound to disturb his sleep.

Abe frowned at this, they better not disturb him or he'll be banging on the door late at night.

“What." John's voice brought Abe out of his thoughts

“What?" Abe asked in confusion

“ Why are you frowning at your own cooking? Do you not like what you cooked?" John said

" No!! It's not that.” Abe replied shaking his head

" Then it's definitely the date.” John said as they started eating.

" Jesus!! I already said not to talk about it. And it's not a date, I'm pretty sure people don't pick a church as a location to go on a date.” Abe said

“This is good, how are you able to cook this good?" Anita chipped in

" Thanks, it's just practice.” Abe replied

" What about me?” John asked

" What about you?” Anita asked

" The ingredients were bought with my money, shouldn't I be thanked also?” John said

" Shut up and eat! You should learn to cook from your nephew, so you don't ever again cook whatever it was you prepared for me on Valentine's day.”Anita scolded

“But you liked the other parts?” John asked with a sad face

" Yeah I did." Anita blushed, making Abe know that whatever this couple was saying was naughty.

He had never seen this side of his uncle, their relationship was definitely more than f-----g.

“Then my mistake doesn't count." John smiled

“It does. Now hurry up and learn to cook or I won't marry you.” Anita frowned at John


" Wait! You guys are getting married?” Abe asked, pausing his food.

“Yes we are.” Anita said as he dropped her spoon and held John's hand squeezing it, they both stared at Abe.

" What?" Abe asked as they both stared at him

John sighed, “ Well Anita has always wanted a blessing of some sort from one of my family members, she thinks they won't like her.” He explained

‘Who wouldn't like you with that type of shape you're bringing to the table?’ Abe thought

" I've always told you babe, you don't need it. It doesn't matter.” John said as the couple stared into each other's eyes.

" But you've met my son and he likes you, and he's my only family. I also want to be liked by your family.” Anita grumbled

" Well there's one right here. Abe, what do you think?" They both turned to look at Abe again

“What does it matter?" Abe asked as he began packing up the plates

“It doesn't, but what do you think?" John said

Abe stopped Anita from helping, he took the plates to the sink and dropped it there, then he turned around.

“She is beautiful, and you guys seem happy. Whatever I say doesn't matter but I'll say this. Whatever you guys are going to be doing tonight, keep it low. My sleep mustn't be disturbed.” Abe said, turning around to face the sink.

" I told you to go slow the other time.” Anita whispered as she pinched John.

“Owww! But you said faster." John whispered back, massaging his waist.

“So will you be getting on your knees now to propose?" Abe's voice came from the sink, mixed with the sound of the plate being washed.

“No! He doesn't need to, besides I don't fancy material things.” Anita said

" She only wants the ring for our wedding.” John replied.

“Well I'm happy for you uncle, I'll be informing Tasha about it." Abe said

“ You don't need any help do you?" Anita asked

“No I don't. For now I do this, then you take over when you guys get married." Abe refused

“He doesn't like being idle." John whispered


“ We'll be in the living room, you can join us if you want." John said as the couple stood up heading for the living room

“Good night." Abe replied, he won't punish himself with their romantic sight if he had a choice.

He cleaned the plates and the cutlery they used, cleaning his hands as he proceeded to the room.

He didn't bother checking up on the love birds, he'd rather not.

Abe was right, he wouldn't want to see the sight of Anita's head nestled on his uncle's chest, while his uncle's hand played with her large br—-s, massaging them playfully.

Abe took off his top, then he drew the window blind. He won't be caught spying if he wasn't spying in the first place.

He was preparing to sleep when his phone vibrated on the nightstand.

He took it and checked what it was.

“Hello neighbor."

(Author's note: I just want to inform you guys that gifting this book isn't a sin and dropping votes isn't a crime either. The book is also not allergic to reviews.)