I love you.

"No need for that, there would be so much smiling today." John said as he collected the bag.

" You know you didn't have to." He said as he slowly removed the wrapped gift box from the shopping bag.

"Just open it." Anita giggled

Abe watched all this from the back, he had his arm folded on his chest as he leaned on the door frame.

The display of affection between Anita and John was slowly pushing him out of the room, but his curiosity of what was inside the wrapped box made his stay.

Slowly, John peeled off the wrapping paper around the box, unveiling a brown shoe box.

Abe raised an eyebrow at this, which kind of shoe as a need for it's case to be this big? But he kept his opinion to himself.

After all, he wasn't the one celebrating his birthday.

Abe wasn't really sure if John was slowly unwrapping his gift to build a suspense for himself, or if he was doing it to taunt Abe.

"Just peel it off already." Abe said annoyingly from the back