Tell me something about you.

“Hey Abe! Where have you been?" his uncle's voice came from his back

"Went for some breeze." he replied without turning his back.

"Well catch." his Uncle said, prompting him to turn around.

"What's u..." Abe was cut off when a key landed on his chest.

He caught and looked at it.

'A car key?'

"You can drive, can't you?" John said

"How'd you know that?" Abe asked with a raised eyebrow

"You're 19, you should have taken the driving test. I don't care if you passed or not, just don't crash my car."

"Why I'm I even driving your car?" Abe asked, confusion written all over his face

"I need to drive Gary home, his fat f--k can't drive himself home, at least I won't allow it." John explained

"So... how does that have anything to do with me driving?"

"Take Anita and the car home, I'll meet you there after dropping Gary off."