
"Watch where you are going kid." A man's voice came from Abe's back

"Sorry." Abe said, before walking away.

He left soon after Gina woke up from her little nap.

He almost had a heart attack after he finished c-----g and calmed down, he realized that Gina wasn't moving. He thought he had pinned her head down too hard on the bed, in the process suffocating her.

He was even more scared when he released her waist from his grip and it fell on the bed with a thud. He was about panicking when he realized something, he turned Gina around for her to lie on her back.

Abe breathed a big sigh of relief when he saw Gina's chest rising and falling.

'She was just passed out.' Abe thought.

He really needed to stop making women fall unconscious at the end their s-x.

After laying her on the bed properly, Abe traced his way to her bathroom, cleaning himself in her shower before coming back to put on his clothes which were strewn all over the floor.