After briefing, the crew goes back to the hangar to take a view on the modification of their tank. Tiiger explained the modifications proudly. 

First modification, the engine. M1 Abrams' former engine, AGT-1500 gas turbine engine, while capable of producing 1,500 horsepower, had a fuel consumption rate of approximately 21.45 liters per kilometer. This limited the tank's range to around 420 kilometers on its 1,909-liter fuel tank.

To address this issue, the M1A3 Abrams SEPv3 variant introduced the prototype IST-01 engine, a prototype powerplant that boasts significant improvements in both fuel efficiency and power output. The IST-01 is still a jet engine, similar to the AGT-1500, but it is designed to be three times more efficient. This translates to a remarkable fuel consumption rate of just 5 liters per kilometer, a four-fold reduction compared to the previous engine.

In terms of horsepower, the IST-01 delivers an impressive 3,000 horsepower, double that of the AGT-1500. This substantial increase in power allows the tank to reach a top speed of 60 to 70 kilometers per hour on flat terrain and 50 kilometers per hour cross-country.

Another notable advantage of the IST-01 is its compact size, enabling the tank to carry over 2,500 liters of fuel, further extending its range. With these improvements, the M1A3 Abrams SEPv3 variant can travel significantly farther than its predecessors, enhancing its operational capabilities and reducing logistical burdens. It can also use various fuels like diesel or jet fuel, but its much better if you combine both of them. 

Second, the armament. Tiger replaced the 7.62mm coaxial gun to 20mm oerlikon autocannon. He modified it to make it smaller but there is now a half meter long barrel alongside their main cannon and somehow he fit it inside their already cramped turret. He did that to save their main cannon ammunition to some light armored vehicle. 20mm can take them down.

Not only that, he also puts, M2 50 caliber machine gun on top of the barrel of a 120mm smoothbore. For another additional firepower to destroy vehicles. Archer likes that modification because he can use various guns but is just ridiculed by the fact Tiger really did that just to save ammunition. 

On top of the turret, Tiger wanted to change his commander's gun to a GAU-19 Gatling gun, imagine the 50 caliber but a gatling gun. Unfortunately that gun was not delivered to them. Because of that he thinks that maybe he can put a mini gun instead. It's also a gatling gun that uses 7.62 ammunition. He wants higher rate of fire as his gun for anti aircraft, but having a gun capable of firing 6000 rounds per minute is just too much and also the fire power of is reduced because of smaller caliber, thus he decided to use the M3 machine gun which have higher rate of fire than M2 but with same fire power. Having 1200 rate of fire is better than 600 rpm by M2

With the help of some engineers and programmers, they also installed a portable electronic warfare device to tank, it could be used against UAV or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by confusing its gps. 

The M1 Abrams tank has two ammunition racks, each with a blowout panel. The blowout panels are designed to vent any explosions from the ammunition compartment out of the tank, protecting the crew from being injured or killed. However, if the two ammunition racks are merged, there would only be one blowout panel for the entire ammunition compartment. This would increase the risk of an ammunition cook-off, as the blowout panel may not be able to vent the explosion effectively.

As I mentioned earlier with upgraded engines, their M1 Abrams can now effectively tow cargo trailers that contain more ammunition, tools, extra fuels, spareparts and many more necessary things you need in combat.

Last modification is all about the tank's endurance. They will take part on a possibly long mission, where any repair stop or resupplying will be impossible. So Tiger, with the help of engineers and some American companies that make the M1 Abrams itself, slowly modified the tank to make it more reliable by reducing some complex parts that needed extensive maintenance to retain its performance. 

"Now I'm proudly introducing you to the newest version of the M1 Abrams. The M1A3 SEPv4 TUSK RM!"

The crew was at a loss for words. On the one hand, they were amused by Tiger's ability to pull off such daring modifications. On the other hand, they were dismayed by the additional risks he was introducing to the tank. A single hit could turn their tank into a steel coffin, incinerating them in an instant. Yet, despite the risks, they couldn't bring themselves to anger at Tiger. After all, they all wanted the war to end, except for Ivan.

"M1A3 SEPv4 TUSK RM huh…" Archer examines the tank. "You've literally crafted a new variant for this tank. And…let me guess, the 'RM' means on the last is Red Musket?" 

Tiger boasted the answer, "It is obvious, this tank is modified only for us, and also because of my inputs, they have now experimental tank that can improve theirs." 

"Can you be humble for a while." Archer rolled his eyes. "Never." Immediate answer by Tiger. 

"But seriously, why does it somehow become bigger?" Armstrong also examined the tank then he knocked at it and the sound is still solid metal. "And also take note, it's ugly looking tank now because of the tank threads around it and you comically add a lot of weaponry on it." 

"Let's just focus on the performance okay," Tiger replied

Scarface, his brow furrowed in worry, wiped his sweaty palms on his forehead. He couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation as he looked at the Red Musket, now heavily armored and armed. The additional weight would undoubtedly impact the tank's maneuverability, and Scarface was concerned about his ability to control it effectively.

"How many additional tons has this tank gained?" he asked Tiger, his voice tinged with fear. "I bet you've added at least another five. How am I supposed to maneuver this thing? And what if I...?"

Scarface's voice trailed off, his throat suddenly dry. The memory of their previous tank, stuck in the mud and unable to move, was still fresh in his mind. It was that incident that had claimed the life of Bowman, Archer's brother and one of the original members of the crew.

Tiger sensed Scarface's unease and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'll guide you, Scarface," he said firmly. "I'll be your eyes. Just follow me, and I'll never let us get stuck in the mud again. I promise you."

Scarface looked into Tiger's steely eyes and saw the unwavering determination that he had come to admire. He knew that Tiger would keep his word.

Archer, who had been watching the exchange between Tiger and Scarface, spoke up. "Everything will be fine, Scarface," he said reassuringly. "As long as we work together, we can overcome any challenge. Even if we're immobilized or stuck, as long as we can still fight back, I'll make sure that I hit them before they fire at us. We can even turn this tank into fixed artillery or fortification position if we have to." 

Armstrong nodded in agreement, his fist clenched tightly. "That's right!" he exclaimed. "Even if I have to lift this tank out of the mud myself, I'll do it so we can rush our enemies again."

Tiger put his hands on Scarface's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "I will guide this tank with all my might, Scarface," he said. "That's why..."

Archer, Armstrong, and Tiger smiled at Scarface, their eyes filled with trust and camaraderie.

"That's why we're relying on you to drive us forward," they said in unison. "To the future."

To the future?...

Ivan remembered the stories of his crewmates, their dreams, their hopes, their source of strength. He suddenly remembered all of it.

Armstrong, who once was a lost man that only knows fighting on streets, found the love of his life that changed him for the better, but because of war, her fiance that was a police woman-crippled while trying to free him in the prison. 

Archer, after losing his Dad and Brother during the war, only wants to go home to be with his lonely mother.

Tiger, he was a retired tank commander, but when the war started, his wife was also killed by the bombardment. He vows to avenge his wife, so 

Ivan knows their story. They're all the same. Tiger, Archer, and Armstrong, fighting ferociously because of their loved ones, They've been fighting this war tirelessly not because they hated what's in front of them but they love the ones who are behind them. Something that Ivan can't have.

While their battles were fueled by the love for those they held dear, Ivan's fight was rooted in a thirst for vengeance, a consuming desire for retribution that had become his sole driving force. He lacked the comforting vision of a future filled with cherished memories and the warmth of familial bonds.

Ivan couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy as he listened to their yearning for peace, their longing to reclaim the lives they once knew and the dreams they held dear. He understood their desperation to end the war, to silence the guns that had shattered their lives and left them yearning for a semblance of normalcy.

Yet, amidst their shared pursuit of peace, Ivan couldn't shake off the haunting question that echoed within him: what would happen to him when the guns fell silent and the dust settled? Would he find solace in the peace they so desperately sought, or would he remain adrift, a solitary figure haunted by the ghosts of his past?

As his comrades urged him to join their quest for a brighter future, Ivan grappled with the realization that he had no place in the world they envisioned. His heart, scarred by loss and hardened by revenge, lacked the capacity to embrace the simple joys they so desperately sought.

Ivan's heart ached with a deep sense of longing, a yearning to experience the warmth of camaraderie and the solace of belonging. He craved a place where he could lay down his arms and find solace in the company of others, a place where his scarred soul could find healing and his battered spirit could find renewal.

In a moment of profound self-reflection, Ivan acknowledged that his participation in the war extended beyond his thirst for vengeance. He fought for his crewmates, for the shared camaraderie forged in the crucible of battle, for the fleeting moments of kinship that offered a semblance of family.

Yet, the void within him remained, a gaping wound that refused to heal. He longed for a sense of belonging, a place where he could finally call home, a place where the ghosts of his past could no longer haunt him.

"I need to find that place."