
Peter stood behind a broken wall and looked at the side John was standing. John was still glowing like the sun so Peter didn't get to see anything.

John came near Natasha and looked at her. He mocked her and she told him to go and fight the spirit himself. John slightly laughed and turned around. He looked at Richard. Richard had already started to evaporate like boiling water. He looked at John and said,

"You foolish energy beings. You work as a slave for the wrong people. One day… hear me well one day you will be betrayed by the ones you trust. And to you, it's already happened. You will come to know one of these days."

After saying that Richard started screaming and he exploded like a bomb. John realized it's all over and he concentrated on controlling his power. He reduced his inner force and slowly the light emitted from him stopped.

John didn't understand those words. But it hit his heart so bad. He started thinking. What did the spirit mean by it already happened? He looked at Natasha. For a second he thought that the spirit was talking about Natasha.

Then he convinced himself that she's not what the spirit meant. Natasha has been with him for two years, she was always helping and caring for him like a best friend. He knew she's much older than him but he liked her as a best friend. He always acted bigger than her.

It's just the spirits trying to confuse me. Yeah a desperate last try. Just remember the teachings of Fr. Andrewson. Ghosts will try to deceive us. They are liars. We can never trust them. He convinced himself.

Sera also came back. She said she found the kids mother and gave her back. The mother shouted at Sera thinking that Sera abducted the child just like before. But her daughter told them that she was lost and Sera helped her. The woman looked at Sera in a disgusting way and within some minutes her look changed. She apologized to Sera. But Sera didn't mention anything about it to Peter. She didn't want him to be sad about the way people see her right now.

Suddenly something came running and jumped onto them. They both fell down. It started licking them both. It was Mark. He was so hungry for their love and care. His tail swiveled like a ceiling fan. He was rolling on their feet for them to touch him. He's back to himself and more active than before.

They were so happy to get Mark back to himself. But the happiness didn't last long. Within minutes they started to hear sirens. It was the police. There were so many of them with heavy weapons. They were ready to take down the wolf monster. The police surrounded them and waited for the order to attack. The police chief Dan came out of the police vehicle.

He was also pointing his gun towards where Peter and Sera were sitting. John was thinking deeply about the things that Richard's spirit and the spirit possessed Donna, told him. They were saying the same thing. Hearing the siren woke him up from the imagination. He was wondering what took them so long. John expected this to happen because it was a huge disaster.

Dan came towards Mark but John interviend. Dan seemed a little frightened at the same time determined to save the people in the city. He said,

"John. Move out of the way, we need to capture that beast. It's not a place for a priest in training."

John wasn't going to move. He defended Mark. He said,

"Look, officer. It's not like that dog did it with its own strength or its own will. It was possessed. Now it's free. I have already performed the exorcism and it worked. He's back to normal now."

Dan didn't listen to John. He was going to take Mark away from Peter and Sera. He said,

"John, just don't waste our time. You are from the church and you saved that woman from an evil spirit, that is the only reason I'm giving you respect. But this time it's an animal which caused more trouble than a meteor. This family already made enough problems for us. And how do you hope to put a possessed dog case in the filles? Do you think any higher officials are going to believe that?"

John looked back at Peter and Sera. He understood they won't survive if they lose Mark again. That time Natasha came near him and whispered something in his ears. John's face changed and it became wider. He said,

"Sir, you had a son. A few years ago. He was acting crazy and then he suicided."

(Dan was shocked to hear that from some unknown priest in training. He wondered how John knew that.)

John continued,

"He was possessed, someone told you that he was possessed and you didn't believe it. Instead of getting him to a church. You took him to a hospital. Your son killed a doctor and a security guard then jumped off the building."

Dan's face changed. His eyes become filled with tears. He wiped it off.

John said,

"I'm so sorry to remind you about this incident sir. But think about it if he ever had a chance to get exorcized and get back to you, would you put him in jail for killing those people?"

Dan looked down. But his mind didn't change and his decision was solid as a rock. He was about to say something but suddenly something unbelievable happened.

Mark came forward. He came close to John and stopped him from saying anything. Then he stood in front of Dan like he understands everything and he gave himself up. Everyone's eyes were on Mark. It's not like it's a normal thing for a dog to do something like that. John and Natasha were also amazed. John looked at Dan and said,

"Sir, did you see that? This dog is not just a dog. He understands us very well. He's already accepted his mistakes and prepared to take punishment. Such a great animal isn't something that you can see everywhere. Just look at uncle Peter and aunt Sera. To them Mark is not a dog. He's their son. You saw how Mark protected them while Sera was possessed. He was possessed just like your son once was. I'm asking you to give him another chance sir."

John's words cut deep through. He convinced the police to leave Mark with Peter and Sera. Dan decided to give a report as the wolf monster disappeared and was never found again. John apologized again to the chief and the police went back.

After talking to Peter and Sera for a while, John decided to go back. He didn't forget about the spy that's watching him. He told Natasha to go and check the guy in black clothes and he decided to confront Donna.

He walked around a house and came from behind her. She was trying to get a clear view and lost sight of him. She looked around and saw nothing. She became disappointed and turned around. Suddenly she saw him and in that shock she screamed.

John didn't expect her to scream like that and he also became shocked.

They started talking and at the same time Natasha was standing in front of the guy in black clothes.

He looked at John for a long time and then he pulled out his phone and called someone. Within seconds the other side answered. The guy said,

"The target succeeded in the exorcism. He's on to me that's for sure. I cannot stay here any longer. He was also followed by a girl. She's almost his age by the looks of it."

Natasha didn't hear the guy on the other side saying something. She wanted to know who he was and she put her head into the phone. As her head went inside the phone, it came out of the other side. She looked at the person who was holding the phone and she became shocked. It was Fr. Andrewson.

She understood that the spirit was telling the truth. It's indeed the ones around John who's betraying him. She believed that the cat might be their associate. She started looking for the cat.

While all that John was asking Donna,

"Donna, that's your name right? What are you doing here? It's not safe for you to come to places like these."

Dona was acting scared, more like she didn't want to face him all sudden. Her face turned red and she tried to say something,

"I… I… you see… I was just…."

John felt it's odd for her to act like that. He said,

"Come on. Tell me why you are here. Your house isn't here. Is there anyone who lives here that you know?."

She was trying to avoid him and walk away. For some reason she looked embarrassed. Natasha came near him. She looked at Donna and also felt Donna acting strange. Suddenly Natasha realized something. She came near John and whispered something. John thought why is Natasha whispering when no-one else can see or hear her? Most of the time Natasha forgets that she's already dead.

Natasha smiled and whispered in his ears,

"I think she's got a crush on you."

Natasha's words made John embarrassed. He didn't expect that. He suddenly asked loudly,
