
They approached the basement door, John hesitated for a moment, Natasha then phased through the floor to the basement.

At that moment a crack appeared in the basement and it caved in. It was unexpected. John didn't get enough time to escape; he fell into that hole.

John hit his shoulder on some wooden plank. He was hurt. He looked up and something came towards him. It was Nat. She started laughing at him for falling. John looked at her in anger and then his face changed, he also laughed. He knew she's just kidding.

They searched the place to find any clues. They saw nothing special inside. But John found a framed photo. Its glasses were broken. He pulled out the photo from it. It was in black and white. He understood that it must be an old photo of someone who lived there. Nat looked around and she saw something moving on a corner. She got afraid and ran to John's back and told him,

" June…! Look there. Something moving over there. Oh god please don't. Just let me live."

John moved towards the corner and suddenly a rat came out. Natasha screamed like she saw a ghost. John looked at her. She stopped acting and her face showed embarrassment. The rat became scared hearing her loud scream and then ran away.

They continued searching. They saw the stairway to the hall was already destroyed. John thought about how he would get out of there. But in the meanwhile he decided to explore more. The sun went into the clouds again and the darkness made it too hard to see. The basement was too dark to begin with.

John used the flashlight in the phone to see. He looked around and understood there was nothing more to search for. He decided to go back and get his bag. He was planning on taking care of the ghost himself.

He looked at the hole which he came down. It's too far to reach out. While he was looking at it he saw someone standing up there. Natasha was teasing a small lizard she saw on top of the chair in the basement. John looked closely but he didn't understand who that was. Is that the old man Ben? Whoever it is, he hasn't seen me yet. John thought.

Suddenly the top of the basement broke again and the person standing there fell inside too. Natasha heard the sound and she screamed. John looked closely at the person that fell in. He said,

"Donna… What are you doing here?"

The person who fell down was Donna. John helped her get up. When she got up. They looked at each other. For a second they stood like that forgetting everything else. Suddenly John woke up and let go of her hand. He was too embarrassed.

Natasha saw everything. She tried to control her laughter. She could clearly see the chemistry between them. Natasha said,

"Oh I forgot to mention. Donna was watching this house while I came here."

John whispered without looking at Natasha,

"Why do you have to forget the most important information?"

Natasha used her hands to cover her mouth and laughed. Donna was looking at him she said,

"What is it John? Is it Natasha? What is she saying?"

John looked at Donna and said,

(He tried to look serious)

"Donna. Forget about what she said, just tell me what you are doing here? Why do you keep coming to dangerous places like this? It's not safe for you here."

Donna looked down. She was following him from the beginning. She didn't say anything so John asked again,

"Hey. I'm not being harsh on you. Just tell me why are you here? Don't you have class today?"

She looked up to him and said,

"I'm on vacation. Besides, I lost my chance to pass the 9th grade because of that evil spirit. I don't think that the school is going to accept me as a student after everyone saw me as a ghost."

John looked at her. She was facing down and he realized she might be crying. He didn't question her further. He said,

"You should at least be more careful. If you were on top we had a chance to get out of this place and look now we are both trapped here."

She felt more disappointed hearing that. Natasha looked at him with an angry face and said,

"Nice going moron."

John looked at her then realized the foolishness he did. He apologized to Donna and that didn't cheer her up.

John searched the basement for ropes or something to climb to the top. But everything he found was old and useless. Natasha looked at Donna and said,

"I wish there was some way to make her happy."

John didn't respond to Natasha. He was busy looking and he didn't want Donna to notice. Natasha continued,

"Maybe I should possess her and try to make her happy myself."

John looked at Natasha. He was angry. While he continued his search he found a stick which looked similar to a walking stick. Suddenly something started making noise from the walls. The sound felt like moving towards him. Within seconds he understood what that sound was. It showed up and it was the same ghost that attacked Natasha on the Well.

It charged towards John. John stood there like he was a statue. He froze for a moment and the ghost came so close to him so fast.

Suddenly the ghost saw something in front of him. It was Natasha. She came there at light speed and hit the ghost with her hand. The punch landed on the ghost and it blew away in her power.

Natasha took a step forward like she's about to start a fight. She looked like she's a martial artist. She took a stance and said,

"It won't be like last time. You took me by surprise that time. This time I'm going to defeat you."

The ghost was looking like smoke and it changed its form into a humanoid smoke. Its power seemed to increase and it showed its claws. John came back to his senses. He looked at the evil spirit. He felt something bad was going to happen.

Donna didn't understand what was going on there but she felt the evil spirit and she was too afraid. He was sitting on the floor covering her head and ears using her hands.

The spirit came fast towards Natasha to slice her down with its claws. She stood there like she was too confident to take him on. But at the last moment, John pushed her away to the side where Donna was sitting. The ghost slashed and it slightly cut John's hand.

The sun appeared again and the sun rays came through the roof holes. The ghost screamed and it vanished. John was exhausted and exhaling heavily. He sat down on the floor. Suddenly he heard the sound of something falling down. It was an old steel door. It was hidden behind a tolls shelf.

John sat there and took a moment to take a breath. After that he got up and walked towards the room. He looked back and said,

"Donna, you stay here."

After that he turned and whispered.

"Nat. Come with me. We need to check this place too."

Donna stands up and said,

"Okay I understand. I'm right behind you."

They walked right into it. John used the flashlight to see everything. But Donna seemed like she could see everything clearly. The place Looked like it was abandoned even before the deaths years ago. He searched that place and found out that it was an old workshop of a missionary. Whoever used that place was a bad guy.

John said,

"This place looks like an old workshop of a missionary. The carvings on the walls and pillars proves that this place is used to perform black magic. This person, whoever he is, performed some black magic which even he couldn't control. It's possible that he might also have died here. That's not the problem. The people he killed to release an evil demon into this world are still roaming here. They may be waiting for the night to fall so they can attack everyone in full power."

Donna looked at John and said,

"I felt the same too. While I'm on my way here, I saw a lot of cows, dogs, hens and even pigs are dead and some people are removing their bodies."

John looked at Donna. He looked so serious. He said,

"It's all the doing of these spirits. They might have already become ghost's by now. Who knows, maybe even become demons."

He saw a table and on top of it there were a lot of holy objects and books. He saw the candle on top of it but he didn't have a lighter on him so he couldn't light it. Donna came near him like she understood the situation. She put her hand on top of the candle and it started burning. John looked at her and thanked her.

He continued reading and said,

"This is really horrible. They used innocent virgin girls and newborn babies in their rituals."

Donna said,

"Don't be surprised. I've heard that those people with black magic use an unborn baby from a mother for their rituals. And some foolish believers sacrifice themselves."

John looked at Donna. Then he turned and looked at the book and continued reading. Suddenly he looked back at her. He said,

"I told you to stay there. Why did you come inside this room?"

He was angry. Donna looked at him and said,

"What are you saying? Why should I stand back? You told Donna to stay there and whispered to me to come here."

John's face became wider in amazement. He asked,

"Nat…? Did you possess Donna?"