
He looked at her and told her,

"Nat. You have to go to Donna's house as her. Let me find a way to seperate the both of you safely. Until then you think you can manage being like her. Please don't do anything bad."

Natashas face pouted and she said,

"Look John, I'm not a bad girl. And for being her it's easy because I don't feel like I'm possessing someone. I feel like I am really Donna."

John looked curiously and asked,

"Is that how you normally feel?"

Natasha nodded in disagreement. She said,

"No it's not similar. I don't know how to put it. Just think about driving a car. The car already has a driver but you are in control. The driver desperately tries to take control and he fails. In this case it's like you and the driver became one."

John thought about it, the possession happened without the knowledge of the host or the external soul. They might be the same age or maybe they both are pure of soul. For some reason their compatibility was perfect. That's why they are United on a soul level. But why is Natasha conscious here? Was she stronger than Donna? Or is it because she was a ghost for a long time. Or is it because she possessed and lived inside a woman before?

A lot of questions circulated in John's mind. He decided to go back to the church and find some answers from the library.

Then he told her to go back to Donna's house. But he felt something might happen on the way so he decided to take her back himself. He told her to get on his bike and he headed towards Donna's house. On the way he saw Ben. John stopped the vehicle and said,

"Sir, I checked the house and found something. It's a haunted house that's for sure. Please tell everyone to avoid going to that place. I'll come back with the equipment to take care of it.

(Ben nodded in agreement, John continued)

"If you don't mind, could you tell me who these people are? I found these photos from their basement."

John showed the photo to Ben. He looked closely at the first one. It seemed like he couldn't see it clearly so he repositioned the glasses he was wearing. Then he said,

"It's the owner of the farm and the house. And the second one…"

He gave back the first photo and looked into the second one. His hands started shaking. He was totally shivering. Still he managed to say,

"These… these are the ones… they were the family that lived there. And the two people on the left top side. They were my brother's. They also died right after those families."

Ben wiped his tears saying that. He gave back the photo and walked away. John had more questions to ask but he thought not to force him anymore. He's in pain so John let him go. Natasha also felt that pain and her eyes became wet. She felt the warmth of a tear on her face.

John started the vehicle and moved on. He dropped Natasha at Donna's house and left.

Natasha as Donna walked towards the house. She didn't feel anything different than getting into her own house. She opened the door and walked in. She saw Maria in the kitchen and looked at her. Maria was cooking something.

Watching Maria Natasha remembered her own mother and felt like Maria is her real mother. She walked towards her and hugged her from behind. Maria realized it's Donna and turned. Natasha as Donna hugged Maria so tightly. That time Maria asked,

"What happened to my little princess? Why is she so huggy huggy?"

Maria asked like she's asking a child. Natasha said,

"I missed you so much mom."

After saying that she hugged her more. Maria felt a warm feeling getting into her from Donna.

After a while Natasha opened her eyes. She felt taller. She looked at the one hugging her and she realized that she was holding Donna in her hands. Which means Natasha is inside Maria now and Donna was unconscious.

Natasha couldn't understand what was happening to her. She picked up Donna and put her inside her room. Natasha started thinking. Her whole mind was confused. She now has Donna's memory as well as Maria's memory and also her own. She sat down on a chair but unconsciously she got up and walked towards the kitchen. Maria was cooking something there and it was about to finish. She turned the stove off and walked towards the hall and sat down over there.

She didn't get much time to figure out anything. She heard the sound of the door opening. It was Adam. He came in and kissed her. Natasha didn't feel anything but loved. Adam asked about Donna and she said Donna is sleeping. After that he went to take a bath.

Natasha was confused. She didn't know what to do. But automatically her body moved and she made arrangements for dinner. She felt it's Maria's thoughts making her do those things.

Natasha was still in control but she felt like doing it was the right thing.

Adam came back and he changed his clothes. He asked Maria (Nathasha) about Donna having dinner but Natasha said that she's already eaten.

Adam felt it's a perfect opportunity to have a private dinner with his wife. He was romantic. He picked up a candle and turned off all the lights. Then he lit the candle and looked at her. Natasha realized it's trouble but her body moved as if Maria was controlling her. Adam sang a song. It wasn't much appreciable but Natasha felt he's a great singer.

Right after the dinner what all happened was dramatic. Adam picked her up and took her to the bedroom. He closed the door. He was trying to seduce her. And Natasha was reacting to it perfectly. When she reached the mood to mate. Adam turned off the lights in the room.

On the next day Natasha woke up. She looked at the side and saw Adam sleeping naked, covered by the blanket. She smiled at him. Her face was filled with satisfaction. Suddenly she remembered she's not his wife, just possessing her by accident. She got up. She was also naked. She walked towards the bathroom to take a bath. After that she came out and put on Maria's clothes which she liked.

Natasha walked into the kitchen and started doing the daily routine like Maria always does. That time Donna came to her and asked in curiosity,

"Mom. What happened yesterday? How did I get home? Why don't I remember anything?"

Natasha looked at Donna. She said,

"John brought you here. He said you followed him to a dangerous place and you fainted. Now tell me why you went there?"

Donna's curiosity changed into fear of getting scolded. She started thinking of lies she can come up with. But she wasn't the type to lie so she said,

"Mom, I like him, mom. I just want to be with him. That's what I feel right now. Ever since he saved my life, I feel like I want to follow him, hold hands with him, live with him. I don't know how to explain it to you mom, but I think he has the same feelings."

Natasha looked at Donna. She was laughing inside because she found the truth. She said,

"Those feelings you have is just an infatuation. If you have real feelings for him and you believe he has it too. Just wait for him to come to you. For now stop acting like a woman and start eating like a girl."

Natasha put the plate of breakfast in front of Donna. She said she didn't brush her teeth, and ran to the room. Donna was happy because she realized that mother is supporting her.

Natasha continued her work. While doing that Adam came from behind and hugged her. He kissed her on the neck and Natasha enjoyed it. Right after that she slightly saw through the window, the black and white fur cat was sitting in the backyard staring right at her.

She suddenly remembered and pushed Adam away slowly like she's busy at work. He smiled and went to the bedroom.

After a while Adam went to work. Donna said she had to go to a friend's house and she also left. After finishing all her work Natasha sat on the sofa and started thinking about John and ichi. She missed them even if it's only been a night.

She even felt a little worried about the way the cat looked at her. She wished John could come faster. Waiting there she fell asleep. It was a long time ago she last felt tired and fell asleep.

After some time she heard the sound of a bike and she realized it's John's. She got up and ran towards the door. She opened the door even before he touched the bell. He was surprised to see her opening the door before he touched the calling bell. He said,

"Aunty. Good morning. How are you?"

Natasha didn't reply; she stared at John like she was frozen. Then she walked inside and John followed. He continued asking,

"Aunty, I'm here to see na… I mean Donna. Is she here?"

Natasha exhaled heavily and said,

"June it's me."

John became amazed and asked,

"Nat… you're inside Maria now…?

Whatever… I don't have time for this.

You have to come with me right away.

We have a bigger problem.

Ichi is missing"