Phoenix and Scarmerine

It was already late. John waited till the morning. He had his doubts about the thieves who came inside his room.

'Ichi might have gone out by itself. The person who did all this might be the same one who followed me that day when I was dealing with Mark.

He got up and walked towards the library. After a few more research and taking back all the books, he headed towards Donna's house. He reached there within some time. He stopped the vehicle in front and walked towards the house. John saw the calling bell and reached for it. Maria opened the door even before he touched the bell. He was surprised to see her opening the door before he touched the calling bell. He said,

"Aunty. Good morning. How are you?"

Natasha didn't reply; she stared at John like she was frozen. Then she walked inside and John followed. He continued asking,

"Aunty, I'm here to see na… I mean Donna. Is she here?"

Natasha turned around. She exhaled heavily and said,

"June it's me."

John was amazed. He looked at her for a moment. and asked,

"Nat… you're inside Maria now…? How did that happen? Whatever… I don't have time for this. You have to come with me right away. We have a bigger problem. Ichi is missing. And someone broke into our room yesterday. I still haven't found out why they came there. Nothing is missing besides Ichi."

Natasha thought for a second and said,

"Then it must be the poachers. They are the ones who took Ichi."

John nodded in disagreement. He said,

"At first I thought the same too. But after that I realized that it's not them. If it was just the poachers they should have left after capturing Ichi. But the ones who broke in searched the whole room for something. And I have a feeling that Ichi ran off by himself."

Natasha started thinking. She said,

"Okay let me change the clothes. These housewife dresses are killing me."

John looked at her. She walked into a room and changed her clothes. John sat down on a sofa and he was impatient. Natasha came out quickly. John looked at her and asked in amusement,

"What the hell are you doing Nat? Maria is a housewife not a fighter. Why are you wearing a tight dress like that?"

She pouted and said,

"This is the only dress comfortable for the situation. And if she buys it she will wear it. I didn't buy this dress. And what's up with you why are you tense? I'm not inside your girl anymore, this is your girl's mother. Besides me hanging around with you in Maria's body might be seen by someone. A change of dress up is a good chance for people not to notice me as her. I even found a facemask."

John was about to say something while he heard a sound of someone approaching. He and Maria hid in the closet. They looked and waited for the person to get inside. They looked through the door. The guy checked around the house to see what John was doing. He didn't see anyone so he slowly walked into the backside of the house.

He opened the door without making any noise. He walked in slowly and looked around. John and Natasha were in the closet. It was too small for the both of them to fit in properly. Still they looked at the guy.

It was the same guy. John saw his face but the only thing he saw was his eyes. He was wearing a facemask just like Natasha. After checking for a while he picked up his phone and called someone. He said,

"Yes. The target was here. But he along with the lady of this house is not here now. I think he's onto me just like the last time. (The other side said something but John couldn't hear because of the situation he was in.) Are you sure this kid has no special powers? I have a strong feeling he must be one of the energy beings."

John was amazed to hear that. Energy beings, what does that mean? Whoever this guy is, he knows a lot. The guy continued,

"I think it's better for me to go back for now. If he knows I'm following, there is no use in tailing him. (The other guy said something. He continued) yes I'll do that"

After that he cut the call. He looked around one more time then walked out. John listened to the voice of footsteps and turned his head. Suddenly he was shocked. He was facing right at Maria's chest. Natasha was trying to hear the sound of his footsteps. She felt deaf inside Maria's body.

John was sweating. He tried to close his eyes but his mind wasn't in his control. His mind split up in two parts and started fighting. One said to grab it and the other said to stop himself. John was losing control, his hands were moving automatically. His mind started splitting into separate persons. He never felt this intense before.

John has done so many exorcisms. He had to control girls womens or anyone who was possessed. He has seen women naked before. But never felt a thing. But now he lost his total control and she's not even naked. John control yourself, don't forget she's Donna's mother. He said himself but his body was still acting on it's own. Suddenly he heard,

"What do you think you are doing John?"

John looked up. He saw Maria (Natasha) looking at him. He quickly hid his hands.

Natasha looked at John. She was holding a naughty smile on her face. She asked,

"Were you going to grab your girlfriend's mom, John?"

John got embarrassed and said,

"What? No… What are you saying? I was… I was just thinking about who he was. You're the mother of… I didn't even look at your…"

Natasha laughed. She said,

"So you were looking. And you just accepted that Donna is your girlfriend."

John's face turned red. He said,

"No… When did I say something like that? Just don't distract me. Focus on the matter at hand."

John turned around and exhaled silently.

Natasha hid her laughter and said,

"Yeah, let's hope she won't remember it after I get out of her body."

John looked at her. He was afraid if Maria would remember anything that happened. While they were standing there a small rabbit came there. John and Natasha saw the rabbit. They were amazed to see a rabbit inside the house. John also heard someone's footsteps approaching and it was two pairs.

John looked at the rabbit and felt something odd about it. He said,

"Nat. Get ready. If this is what I think it is, I want you to run. I don't want aunt Maria to be in harm's way."

Natasha understood the gravity of the situation. She got ready to run. John and Natasha walked out slowly. The rabbit was acting normal and but it followed them. They got outside and John looked around for finding that people. The rabbit came out. It looked around and stood up like a man. Then it started to grow. Within seconds it became a seven foot tall monster. It started attacking them.

Natasha stood up for a fight but suddenly she remembered she was inside Maria. She ran towards the tree on the side and hid behind it. John stood there and prepared himself to attack the monster. The monster started charging towards him. For a second John thought the monster might be stronger than him and it might kill him.

John waited for the last moment to evade the attack but something happened. The monster was suddenly blown away by a strong energy blast. John also got hit by the shockwave it made. He fell backwards.

He got up and looked at Natasha he saw she was captured. The one holding her was wearing a black clothes that completely covered their body and face. He looked like a ninja. John looked back and saw another one with the same outfit. John stood up and said,

"This is not your territory, Phoenix. Just go back to the place you came from. And tell your buddy to let go of aunt Maria."

The guy looked at John. Phoenix said in a scrambled voice,

"The territory might be yours John. But this is out of your league. It came to kill you and it will kill you if you are reckless. Just don't be stubborn. Move out of the way and let us do our job."

John knew he didn't have a chance against a monster this strong. John faced monster's in the past too but this rabbit was quite too much for him. He looked at Natasha and she nodded in agreement with Phoenix. John looked down and said,

"Let go of her, Scarmerine. She understands the situation."

Scarmerine loosened his hands. Natasha became free and she ran to John's backside.

That time the monster got up and Phoenix launched another energy blast. The monster fell far away and it layed down like it lost consciousness.

Phoenix laughed and looked at John. He said,

"See John, the power difference between us. You are nothing compared to m…."

Before he could finish, the monster came there at lightning speed and hit him from the top. Phoenix's body was smashed into the ground. It pulled its hand and they saw Phoenix's body covered in blood. It was too horrible to watch even for John and Natasha. They stood there frozen…