
Phoenix and Scarmerine were running like they were on an urgency. Their faces reflected the pain and suffering they had. Not only that they were desperate to get to the place they headed so they raced each other.

They reached their secret basement. Right after that they ran towards their room. It seemed like they shared the same room. When they reached the room they stopped. Their faces changed. It was like they challenged each other. They started playing rock-paper-scissors. But every time they played they picked the same fingers.

Vina saw them and she was wondering what they were up to. They stopped after a while and started fighting each other in hand to hand combat. It went on so wild everyone in the basement started to gather around their room.

After a while Vina stopped them and asked,

"You guys. Stop this madness and tell us why you are fighting."

They avoided her question and started fighting. Scarmerine gathered his power and came towards Phoenix. That time Scarmerine just farted. He became embarrassed himself and the others started running, smelling it.

Vina covered her nose and said,

"Damn Scar… were you trying to kill us all."

That time unexpectedly Phoenix released one of his own. Everyone started running. Vina said,

"Not you to Phee…"

That time phoenix replied with an embarrassed face,

"This was the reason we were fighting. We ate something from a new shop that just opened. It was all his idea. I told him we should wait till people say something about their food. But no, he didn't want to wait. Now see, our stomach went crazy. It's his fault. So he should wait. We fought to see who's gonna go to the toilet first."

Scarmerine become angry and said,

"It was his fault that we even turned that way. I told him we should come by the usual way but he said this is a short cut. So it's his fault. He should wait."

They continued farting. Vina was so disgusted and said,

"One of you should have used mine, it's just right next door."

Saying that she fell unconscious. Phoenix and Scarmerine looked at each other. They started blaming each other for that too. Some people came there with oxygen masks and took her away from there.

John was about to say something but that time Father Sebastian arrived at that place in his car. Everyone looked at his car and he came out of his vehicle and asked,

"What is happening here? I told you to destroy this house, and you guys why haven't you arrested this woman yet. I have given you specific orders to follow. This boy also should be in custody."

John looked at father Sebastian and opposed him for the first time. He said,

"Who gave you permission to destroy this house or to give such an order to the police? Did you already forget my authority? The card I hold?"

Father Sebastian laughed and said,

"Your card has been revoked. You are nothing now. Just an insignificant boy interfering with the work of a great priest…"

John laughed at Father Sebastian and walked towards him. Father Sebastian was standing there with a smirking face. John got close to him and whispered,

"Don't make me embarrass you in front of everyone. It's not good for you. Last time you put on quite a stunt but everyone knew the truth. If you want to know what happened, you should call the senior and ask for yourself before saying any more foolish things."

Father Sebastian's face changed. Doubts started stabbing his mind. He searched his pocket for the phone and he didn't find it. He became unstable. He searched for himself for some time and then walked towards his car. Father Jacob came near John and asked,

"What is it with you and father Sebastian? Why is he always negative towards you? Everytime he does something to make you look bad and then he ends up looking bad. But we must say he's very quick at getting on his feet back. That's why the others always fear him"

John didn't say anything, he just smiled as a reply. Dan came near John and asked,

"John, what you said was right. But I don't think you know what really happened here. Demolishing this house is the right choice to do, in my opinion."

John looked at Dan and said,

"Sir, this house may have caused all these problems. But it holds the evil within itself. We don't have a clue what will happen after evil gets released to the world. The house itself is designed as a magic box. I have seen writings on the walls. If we destroy it without defeating evil, it might cause more trouble than you can even imagine."

Dan nodded in agreement but he was not yet convinced. He said,

"I'm not trying to oppose you. But I care about the safety of my people, John. Our people. We don't even know if it's really this house making all this trouble but look around you. The people are suffering from disease. All their cow's, hens and pets are dying in front of their own eyes. Think for a second John, if you raise a dog with care and love, and then watch it die with your own eyes. How will it make you feel?"

John thought about it for a second. Suddenly he remembered about ichi.


Wait a minute. Where is Ichi right now? Is he alright? Did those poachers come to capture him again? John understood that feeling Dan was trying to explain. 'Stop thinking about him. Or I will lose my concentration.' John thought.

He told Dan,

"Sir you just have to trust me on this. You know me. I know all these people's fate hanging on my shoulder. I'll never let you down."

Dan nodded in agreement. He told the police to take care of it. The police told all the demolition workers to pack up their things and move out of the sight.

Natasha and Donna were standing behind John. They were watching father Sebastian. He found his phone and called father Andrewson to enquire about the situation,

"God bless us all, father. I have called you to ask you about something."

Father Andrewson interrupted by saying,

"I know why you have called me, father Sebastian. I'm watching you on TV right now."

Father Sebastian looked back and saw his usual channel was covering everything live.

Father Andrewson continued,

"I didn't hear what happened between you and John over there. But I guessed what it's all about. You gave a request to cancel John's card without my permission or knowledge, but they denied it. Don't you know that only green card holders can make a request to cancel another green card. Otherwise you need a strong reason and so many influencing people with you. The reason you explained was the death of the news reporter you brought there that day. It's not a good thing for a priest to seek glory or fame. You broke the rule just by that, and in the end John succeeded in the exorcism. You simply jumped in at the last moment to get the name and blame your mistakes on John. There were so many people watching it. You thought we only looked at the video you present as evidence? There were many more camera's and the truth seekers already gave the real footage. That's not all, get ready for losing your card and facing the law. There is a written complaint about you having already reached the seniors. They are gathering a meeting to decide what to do with you."

Father Sebastian is sweating. He cut the call without saying anything back. He ordered the police to leave the scene. He was planning to kill John that day no matter what happens. He was that much angry. He told father Jacob and the civilians to clear the area. He also told the media to go out as well. John was smiling and watching him. Father Sebastian called a thug who was working for him. He told them to come to that place and get rid of John.

Father Sebastian knew about John's hearing skills and power's. He knows that a hand to hand combat might be futile. So he sent the guy a message to bring snipers along with him. He sent a photo of John and specifically mentioned to attack from the longest distance as possible.

The black and white fur cat was sitting there watching Priya closely.

The gang members came there quickly. They were all armed but father Sebastian told them not to use guns that It would bring too much attention. He was planning to take him out by the sniper.

The gangsters took out some tools to attack John. Natasha as in Priya's body came infront to get ready for a fight. But John stopped her and told her not to use powers in Priya's body. Besides, he wanted her to protect Donna.

They fought each other and in the middle Phoenix jumped in front of John.

Phoenix looked into father Sebastian's eyes. Father Sebastian started shivering by seeing Phoenix's eyes.