
The car came so fast towards them. It looked like someone was going to kill them. Sister Veronica pushed Priya away and she jumped out of the way. She felt that her nun outfits were in the way. Because her movements were like a fighter but the clothes are making it hard to move around in it.

She got up and looked at the car. It stopped, not too far away from them. Some people came out of it and Priya was angry. She walked towards them to hit them. But when she reached there she realized it was Father Jacob and Father Paulson. Father Paulson came out of the driver's seat.

Priya was still angry. Father Paulson laughed like a fool and said,

"May God bless you ma'am. I'm sorry for that."

Priya walked towards them. Sister Veronica was right behind her. Priya said,

"Yeah! You may need all the blessings in the world when I am done with you. What the hell were you thinking? Were you going to kill us?"