Santof city

Santof city people were in fear. The earthquake was happening unexpectedly during the day time. The atmosphere was dark like it was about to rain. But there were no clouds in the sky. They become like vampires because they can only go out at night.

The total city was surrounded by some kind of mist. No one was able to get out of there. And no one was able to get in. It's been 36 hours ever since the phenomenon happened. They tried to contact the government or the outside world but nothing was working. They feared that if this continues they might run out of resources and die.

At the center of the city, there was a research laboratory. Dr. Seyres Alfred D'Souza was the head of the team. He left the laboratory just hours ago all this happened. They were researching particles colliding in on each other to open portals. It exploded so many times but still they continued the research.