Again, John

Suddenly she heard a scratch on the window glasses. She walked towards it and moved the curtains. She noticed that the mouse looking animal was holding a yellow plant in his mouth and standing outside, It was showing her to open the window doors.

That time she heard the sound of the door opening. She turned around and saw doctor Boby coming in. Doctor Boby walked out after his regular checkup. After the doctor went out Tania looked for the animal outside the window but it vanished. She opened the window and looked around for it.

Quickly that animal jumped into the room. It sat on the table and started staring at her. Tania was afraid that the little animal might hurt her. Slowly she walked towards it. It was sitting there and watching her movements. She walked towards him and looked at him carefully. Tania started to feel like it's not going to hurt her.

She was scared inside still she asked,

"What are you doing here little friend?"