Tom; friend or foe

John and Tania walked towards the hospital reception. Tania told John to sit in the waiting area till she pays the bills. That time Tom was standing in front of the reception. He asked for doctor Boby. The receptionist felt something about Tom and asked him to show a Id card. He opened his bag and so many card's fell out of it. Tania saw that and she helped him collect it. Ichi saw Tom and he remembered Tom. Ichi became angry and started jumping on John's shoulder. The people who were sitting around him started staring at John.

John picked ichi from his shoulder and put on his lap. He asked what's wrong with him. That time John looked at the place where Ichi was looking. He saw Tom and Tania picking up the card's and other things from the floor. John noticed that there was a green card just like his own. He wondered who that person was. It's rare for people to have a green card.