Milan part 4

Ayana and others went to look for Milan. But unexpectedly something came across their path. Vikram pointed his finger towards a little fear. Ayana, Manu and Goutham looked where Vikram was pointing, and there they saw something.

A black goat with blood red eyes was standing on top of a rock while looking directly at them.

The black goat with blood-red eyes continued to stare, its presence unsettling the group. Ayana said with a fearful voice,

" Let's go back, we can't win against that thing. "

Manu asked,

"What is that thing, granny ayana?

Ayana looked straight at it with a fearful eyes and said

" That's a monster called ajakaala* ( it means black goat, ajam = goat and kaala = black ), I only saw it once during my childhood. It devastated our entire village at that time. It's a freak of nature."

As they heard Ayana's words, the group felt a chill in the air, realizing the gravity of the situation. Ayana continued,