
The king saw it as an opportunity to attack. He moved towards them. His target was sister Veronica. Milan felt something bad and he decided to go to the front. As the Carvinine king seized the opportunity to launch an attack, his malevolent gaze fixed firmly on Sister Veronica, Milan felt a surge of dread wash over him. Instinctively, he moved to rush to her aid, determined to protect her at all costs.

But before Milan could act, Natasha's voice cut through the chaos, her words ringing with authority and wisdom. With a firm hand on his shoulder, she urged Milan to stay back, her eyes locking onto his with a fierce intensity.

"Stay back, Milan," Natasha commanded, her voice unwavering. "John can handle this."

Though Milan's instincts screamed at him to intervene, he knew that Natasha's words held weight. With a reluctant nod, he reluctantly complied, trusting in John's strength and determination to protect Sister Veronica from harm.