Where did he go?

Master Han became disappointed. He didn't know how to tell John that he couldn't find Phoenix anywhere. He opened his eyes and looked at John. He was looking at master Han with full of hope. As disappointment weighed heavily on Master Han's shoulders, he struggled with the daunting task of breaking the news to John. The young boy's eyes, brimming with hope and trust, bore into Master Han, awaiting any sign of progress in the search for Phoenix.

For a moment, Master Han hesitated, grappling with the words to convey his inability to locate Phoenix anywhere in John's world. How could he shatter the fragile hope that had taken root in John's heart?

Taking a deep breath, Master Han met John's gaze with unwavering sincerity. Despite the weight of disappointment that hung in the air, he spoke softly, choosing his words with care.


Master Han began, his voice gentle yet tinged with regret,