Chapter 220

With that, John and Veronica departed, driving swiftly towards the city. The roads were eerily quiet, save for the occasional emergency vehicle speeding past in the opposite direction. As they neared Feransido, the sounds of destruction grew louder, the roars of the monster interspersed with the distant cries of frightened civilians.

"We need a plan," Veronica said, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the beast. "We don't know what we're up against yet."

John tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "We'll assess the situation when we get there. From what we saw on the news, it looks like the monster is heading towards the city center. We need to draw it away from populated areas."

Veronica nodded, already formulating strategies in her mind. "If we can isolate it, we have a better chance of taking it down without causing more harm."