
The Garlic Elder and his followers were shocked, they didn't expect Ling Fei to react this quickly, to think he could dodge the move of the Sect master was quite unrealistic.

The Elders quickly surrounded Ling Fei, but he kept dodging their deadly attacks, it was as if he knew exactly what they were doing.



Eventually, they managed to corner Ling Fei, leaving him with no choice except to fight his elders.

With his sharp mind and expert martial skills, Ling Fei could easily defeat them, but he didn't want to do this after all, it seems there is some kind of misunderstanding here.

But there were too many people rushing towards him, and he couldn't keep dodging for long, especially when more and more disciples were rushing here because of the noise.

Suddenly, the Garlic Elder yelled, "Stop him! Let me have a round with him!"

Garlic Elder wanted to kill Ling Fei personally, after all, this afternoon, he realised the Holy Envoy had said that Ling Fei wasn't a trusted person indicating Ling Fei should die.

The garlic elder lunged towards Ling Fei.

However, Ling Fei, Whi had obtained the inheritance of Immortal, With a swift and powerful kick, Ling Fei sent the Garlic Elder flying across the courtyard.

Everyone who saw this was stunned including the sect master.

" Hmm! It seems holy envy had already seen through Ling Fei, to think he could dodge my attack and beat Garlic Elder with a single strike, he must be practising demonic arts " The Sect master thought looking at the strength of Ling Fei.

" Ackkk! " The Garlic Elder groaned in pain.

Meanwhile, the disciples and elders began to shout,

" Chase the Sinner, Kill him! "

" Catch Ling Fei! He deserves punishment "

All Elders attacked Ling Fei jointly.

The elders pounced on Ling Fei, attacking him from every angle.

Ling Fei was forced to use his martial arts, and with a fast hand moment Summoning a large Avatar, he quickly defeated the elders sending them flying,

But the elders didn't give up.

Even after suffering a massive Blow, they still tried to attack Ling Fei.

However, With his strength, Ling Fei managed to push them away, he could have killed them easily, but he didn't, why? Because he is the protagonist.

As the disciples saw their elders defeated and humiliated, the younger disciples grew angry and came forward to fight Ling Fei, they all had a strong hatred for Ling Fei,

The most noticeable one was none other than Beta Xyan, unsheathing his sword he stepped forward,

" Let me clean my sword with your blood Ling Fei " Beta Xyan muttered as he looked at Ling Fei with Cold eyes. It was finally time to settle their long rivalry.

"Heh, is that your only trick?" Ling Fei chuckled as he prepared to face the next onslaught.

while he didn't want to hurt others, Beta Xyan was different, and Ling Fei didn't care if Beta Xyan died.

" Talk big! You pig! " With a furious roar, Beta Xyan lunged forward to strike, but Ling Fei was ready. He sidestepped the attack, and with a swift move of fancy punch covered in golden aura, he counter-attacked,

Receiving the counterattack, Beta Xyan was sent flying through the air.

The younger disciples looked on in shock. These two rivals had always been so evenly matched. How could Ling Fei easily defeat Beta Xyan like this?

This only fueled the younger disciples' hatred further making it certain that Ling Fei was a Demonic cultivator.

As Beta Xyan hit the ground, he stumbled to a sitting position, confused just like wrestlers in WWE. Still, filled with deep rage and hatred, he quickly got up holding his sword.

Seeing Beta Xyan get up, Ling Fei took his stance clenching his fist which was covered in a golden aura, ready to beat Beta Xyan's ass.

As the two rivals faced off, the entire courtyard held its breath.

Nobody knew who would emerge victorious from this epic battle.

Suddenly, Beta Xyan lunged forward, swinging his sword in a wild arc.

Ling Fei easily dodged the attack, and with a quick kick, he sent his enemy flying backwards.

Beta Xyan, once again, hit the ground with a loud thump.

The younger disciples were stunned, they couldn't believe the strength of Ling Fei.

" Arghhhhhh! Ling Fei...Now Die " After a few tense moments, Beta Xyan let out a loud howl, the sound, which echoed throughout the entire courtyard.

He charged at Ling Fei once again, this time with even more reckless abandon than before.

Ling Fei stood his ground and waited for his attack.

With a flash of metal, Beta Xyan's sword swung through the air and towards Ling Fei, but, Ling Fei caught the Sowrd with his Two fingers and kicked Beta Xyan Once again, sending him flying once more.

Seeing Beta Xyan suffering, the onlooking disciples' anger grew as they came forward to fight Ling Fei.



The young disciples attacked Ling Fei with a ferociousness, but, Ling Fei blocked their strikes, however, there were too many of them,




The young disciples kept attacking from every direction, and finally, Ling Fei was overwhelmed.

Despite the overwhelming enemies, Ling Fei didn't give up, if he had given up, how could he be called the protagonist?

He activated his "Fierce Lion Fist".

With the energy of the Fierce Lion Fist, Ling Fei managed to counter the attacks, but his opponents were relentless.

Getting the opportunity, Beta Xyan also hurriedly rushed forward.


Just at this moment, on a certain corner, Li Bai heard a notification.

[ Ding! Chosen son Ling Fei had lost his last remaining 100 luck, you have managed to plunder his last remaining luck ]

[ Ding! 100 Luck points have been converted into 10,000 Shop points ]

[ Ding! Ling Fei has been abandoned by the heavens, he is no longer the " Chosen Son" ]

Shortly after, Li Bai heard another notification,

[ Ding! Beta Xyan had successfully manage to kill Ling Fei, Host has played major role in his death ]

[ Ding! However, since, Ling Fei has lost his Protagonist halo, you will only receive 2,000 points ]