Ch-55; Absurd Fantasy

[ A/N: Sorry! Pacing may change a little bit ]



Suddenly a powerful and dangerous aura rushed towards the room, sending chills down the mother daughter duo.

Li Bai got up from his seat and looked toward the left with an evil smirk.

[ Ding! The door to the hidden realm has been forced open, it is recommended to enter inside ]

Just then, the small figure of the dragon ancestor once again appeared near his shoulder, " Master, I can sense a piece of dragon sword inside there," she muttered.

Hearing this, Li Bai raised an eyebrow, " piece of Dragon sword? "

" Correct! The piece of dragon sword, it is one of the primordial & most powerful relics in entire existence. Just a single piece of it can turn a trash into a peerless genius, if you collect all 10 pieces that are spread across multiple realms, you will be undefeatable, " she replied earnestly.

" Ooh! Such a sword exists, I guess, it's worth my time then, " Li Bai thought while his lips curved forming a sinister grin.

He is powerful but his hunger for power hasn't died yet.


" H-Huh? It seems something is happening, " Ji Mai said while looking at him with a surprised look.

" Such bone chilling Aura... It seems, the door to the ancient realm has been fully opened, " Ji Lei uttered while her body trembled under the chilling Aura released by the hidden realm.

Anyway, putting aside such thoughts, he looked at Mother & daughter.

They looked extraordinary, he couldn't wait to deflower Ji Lei in front of her daughter, or supernatural daughter.

According to the data, his dick is already harder than obsidian and taller than Burj Khalifa.

With a smirk, he looked at mother and daughter who were hugging each other while pressing their boobs against each other.

He couldn't wait to put his vigorous cock in between those 4 mountains.

" Ahem* Ahem* if everything had settled down, you should know what to do now, " the sharp voice of Li bai fell to the floor creating a strange silence.

( Ji Mei ) :

" Hmmm... Don't tell me this man wanna take me in front of my mother, right here and right now? " she thought while her eyes widened.

She knew it was coming but still she wasn't that well prepared, she hoped her mother would be first, so, that way it would be less embracing for her.

Her heart trembled as she looked at her mother,

This guy is too unpredictable, she couldn't even compherend if he was telling to spread their legs or hinting something else.

All she knows is she need to follow alongside her mother, that way she would look less stupid.

Even though she wanted this her heart was in pain, because, her mother is someone who have never experienced a man, knowing the length of Envoy and his vigor.

She couldn't bring herself to let her mother experience the same thing she experienced.

She wanted her mother to feel good on her first time rather than unbearable pain. She slightly raised her head and looked at Li bai, who was looking at her with his cold icy eyes.


Her body cruddles as her eyes meet his.

She instantly lowers her gaze and looked at the floor.

Clenching her fist, she took a deep breath, " I am just his personal pleasure tool, I am his maid... I shouldn't be sacred of these things," she console herself with those words trying to take the current situation lightly.

With that, she began to undeeas revealing her sexy body.

( Ji Lei ) :

Seeing the action of her daughter, she was taken back.

She was now a property of Li Bai so, she somewhat digested the fact that Li Bai was using her daughter as a pleasure tool for him.

But, seeing her daughter this vigrious to go into his embrace, she couldn't digest it, “ How can you go into another man's embrace in front of your mother without maintaining your dignity, ” she thought while she clenched her fist.

“ Huff* you may be my daughter but I have no plan to lose, I'll definitely gain a place in his heart, even if I have to go against you,” saying that in her mind, she began to undress to fully exposing her slender, curvy body with huge breast and pink nipples.


Li Bai's eyes narrow as he assesses the two women before him.

“ Ji Lei,” he addresses her directly, ignoring Ji Mei for now. “ You seem determined to prove yourself worthy of my attention,” he spoke with his lips slightly curving, while he glanced at her with great interest.

With that He extends a hand towards her, gesturing for her to join him.

Ji Lei hesitates momentarily but ultimately decides that resistance is futile, while she grabs his hand.

“ Go ahead, let me see how great your are, ” Li Bai uttered while pulling her closer.


Hearing this, Ji Lei was stunned and looked at her daughter trying to know, what to do.

She has no experience on this feild, so, obviously she couldn't fanthom on how to progress.

She had thought, Envoy would take the action and do as he wishes, but, the reality was disturbing.

Not knowing what to do, she looked at her daughter with pleading eyes in hopes of getting some hints.

Noticing her mother's gaze, Ji Mei understood her mother worries, after all, she is also not that experienced.

Nonetheless, she slightly hinted to take off his robe and such his huge pipe with her fingers.

The feature was so vulgar that she looked at her own daughter with disgust, none the less, she thought it must be good since she had spent some time with envoy.

Gathering the courage, she leans forward and unties his knots with her teeth instead of hands, which instantly caught Li Bai's attention.

Li Bai moves his hands and gently pats her head, as if he was patting a cat that has done something good.

Untying the knots, his erect cock bulges right in front of her face while hitting her slender white cheeks.

“ Aaah! ” she exclaims as his cock hits her.

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